Saturday, August 31, 2019

Engelsk Stil – God Save the Pub

God Save the Pub Task 1 B. State your opinion about theme pubs and discuss whether it is a good idea that theme pubs go global. A lot of people today would state that the good old English pub is dying, especially after the smoking ban on July 1, 2007, and the fact is that 52 pubs are closing every week, and more than 6,000 fewer pubs today than just ten years ago, but ironically there are more places to enjoy a drink now, than just a couple of years ago.And the reason is quite simple, because a lot of the traditional pubs have been transformed into a new generation of pubs, the so called â€Å"theme pubs† with excellent beverage and high class food, and some pubs are even serving ecological food and beverage. I think it’s very positive that the traditional English pub is being replaced, so the dark and sultry tobacco men pubs, today often are theme pubs, with an open minded friendly atmosphere where women as well as children can come and talk about what’s going o n in the local society.Young people today know exactly what they want, and they want it in a very high quality in a clean environment, and that’s what most of the new generation of theme pubs can offer today. UK is an island in more than one sense and the British people have always been very conservative and afraid of new changes, phenomena also known as nepotism, as we also known from parts of Denmark like Bornholm etc. But since England joined the European Community in 1973 together with Ireland and Denmark, England has slowly changed to be a global and modern country.Therefore I think that the transformations of the traditional pub into modern theme pubs are a natural development nobody can fight against. But theme pubs can in my opinion also become a problem for the British. The newspaper of today tells me, that the British has the highest rate of teenage drunkenness, because young teenagers in England are more likely to get drunk than anywhere else in the whole industria l world. Personally I hink that one of the reasons why the UK has this world record in teenage drunkenness is because children are allowed to go to the theme pubs together with their parents, and here the children see their parents drinking alcohol in a social environment. When the children grow up they will use/abuse alcohol because it already had been accepted by the parents. A huge success in theme pubs in England today is the â€Å"Irish pub theme† â€Å". The Irish pub theme started as just another pub theme, but somehow the Irish theme seems to have fallen into the British taste of pub themes, and appears to go on forever as part of the English pub culture.I think that the English pub tradition with all its different themes is a special and unique English piece of culture, and the question is if it is a good idea that theme pubs go global. First of all I think that it is a very good idea to export theme pubs overseas, because countries like Denmark, Germany, France, Ho lland etc. already have got the traditional English pub for quite a number of years. But the next question is if it’s already too late to do such a business.As we well know the Irish pub themes have been overseas for a great number of years with huge success, so to start a global investment in English theme pubs abroad will rarely be any success. At last its worth to mentioning that the financial crises will kill the idea, even before the idea just was a little thought. Task 2 Murphy’s Memo Date: 2 September 2009 From: Isabella Knudsen To: Management Sales manager Re: New pub theme concept in IrelandJust returned from the UK where I have studied the new theme pubs, I like to inform you about my research. The new generation of theme pubs are popping up all over the UK, and it looks like a huge success. The new theme pubs seem to have a great impact on the young generation, and have become such a huge success, that within a short time the traditional Irish pub slowly wil l die. The new theme pub concept is a transformation from an old-fashioned pub into a modern restaurant. Each theme pub has its own identity.During my visit in the UK I visited different kinds of theme pubs like disco theme pubs, but the most interesting theme was the family and female/children friendly theme pubs. It is also my opinion that people spend more quality time during their stay in their local theme pub. My idea for a new pub theme should be a merge between a family restaurant theme pub in the daytime and a disco live music pub theme in the night time, every night, or for a start every Friday and Saturday night. That will definitely attract the young people of Ireland.I recommend that management should let the advertising agency Shandon Advertising perform a market survey to obtain some exact knowledge about what appeals to young people in Ireland. Thank you, Isabella Knudsen Murphy’s 48 MacCurtain St. Cork 22 October 1998 Shandon Advertising Church St. Cork Dear S ir. We are writing to you, as we need your expert knowledge concerning a new project. Our market share on the Irish market is decreasing, and therefore we are considering starting a new type of pub. Our sales manager has just visited a number of British pubs which have changed a lot lately.Some have become â€Å"superpubs† with space for 500 or more. Other pubs are theme pubs, to meet young people’s taste. Furthermore there are pubs, where you can get a wide selection of dishes at reasonable prices. There is almost an entertainment concept for every taste. As we would like to appeal to young people, we intend to start some new pubs on a trial basis. But before we make a final decision, we need some more details. Therefore we are asking you to inform us if you can do some market researches for us We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully MURPHY’S Flann O’Brien Marketing manager

Friday, August 30, 2019

Human experience and moral Essay

To remember that it is human experience and moral values that will last forever and remained unchanged, and the growth of human conscience further awakens to a newer and better future experiences are not dropped to mere past rather they become a recollection and a refraction to a discovery of new you. The door: not just a big wooden barrier to the entrance of our house but also an explosion to my emotions. Goodbyes were being said as happy birthdays? It was confusion that began to consume my mind and heart as my parents walked out the door not knowing when I will see them again. Excitement, happiness and joyfulness flowing along my blood as I began to realize I am alone and everything my eyes spotted belonged to me. Heaven was the chosen word by my desensitized numbness mind. However, a feeling of guilt made this question interrupt my thoughts, `Do I have the right to enjoy this joyful moment of being alone, knowing that my father is going for a battle for his survival? ` As I was climbing the stair case to regain my nest, where all the gatherings and the devious planning of good times were held, I ignored my feeling of guilt and the purpose of my father’s journey and I started thinking, â€Å"Hey! Let the fun begin! † Little was my knowledge about chance and choice. To the very least, I only knew their denotations. What happened to my father was neither his choice nor of the family but certainly a chance and for what chance it was, I did not know and did not strive to know. I saw everything as a pure chance. With parents’ away and no exact time when to be home; it was a real chance to own my time – a chance to go party everyday, stay up late, go to school late, and skip classes, neglecting the fact that along chances are series of choices and the interplay of the two alongside my treatment determines the quality of my life. I allowed myself to be fully consumed with the false jollification of life. Partying with friends was a gauge for fulfillment. Shouts and yells became the expression of being fully alive. I was unmindful of my dad who was into a different tone of shouting and yelling for pain and survival. We were at the opposite poles on the single line of human feeling. Instead of reaching out, I moved away. Going to parties everyday meant staying up late at night. It resulted to going to school late and even skipping classes and the rest was a worse, if not worst, history of an irresponsible student and woman. The chain effects of my single unrecognized and unmeditated act delivered me to a world of guilt and shame and if nourished by pride, I will be lured forever into false happiness. I messed up my life! Where am I to start? Where do I begin? Never can a plant, young or not, die when its branches are cut. Roots have to be found and uprooted. The same is true with my case. What is the root of my insensitivity to my family’s case? Certainly, it wasn’t about going to party, cutting and skipping classes, etc. It was about how I viewed and dealt with what’s going on around. It was about having certain chances and making the right choices where decision making, anticipating, and understanding come in. True enough, it is only when I failed and committed mistakes that I came to realize: had I thought things over and anticipated before acting, I wouldn’t be this bad and guilty, and had I thought that I have the choice to do what is right and not act on emotional satisfaction and childishness, I wouldn’t be messing my life this way and made my parents disappointed. My life is a chance and how I live it is a choice – its quality is in my hands. How should I live it? â€Å"Wherever you go the sky will always be blue†. This line rang a bell to my ear. Certain things around are given for what they are and neither you nor I have the power to change them. And life is not about changing what we cannot but moving towards what is, for the whole humanity, true and therefore unchangeable. The truth is, what is true and unchangeable aims for ‘what is good’ and what is good surpasses any age, color, time, gender, religion, and whatever differences we have. The whole existence of life should be directed towards ‘doing good’, and its meaning is not our own selfish definition but the one true word – LOVE. It was sad to admit that I was not excuse for failing to recognize what good I should have done that very moment of my life, but it would be bitter if I continue to dwell in that past and live miserably. While I did that mistake of falling into that dark pit of human existence, I will always have the choice of going out and live life on the banner of goodness and all I need is the staff of caution and discrimination to continue living and making the right choices for every chances that come my way. To remember that it is human experience and moral values that will last forever and remained unchanged, and the growth of human conscience further awakens to a newer and better future, I will always, not just remember, do good for the rest of my life. Merge the whole of myself in my eyes, and go towards the vision, go towards the vision, go towards the vision.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Calligraphy in Islam

Calligraphy is the form of art which denote signs and letters in an expressive form, it’s a form of visual art which was developed in western Europe by monks about 1500 years before. It is a painting which is helps to express emotions through designs and show the intellectual skills of an individual. it is Greek word defined by greek roots Kalli meaning beautiful and attractive and gharphia refers to writing. The aim of this proposal is to discuss the role of calligraphy in islam and different types of calligraphy. Calligraphy is the tongue of the hand, the delight of the conscience, the ambassador of the mind, the inheritor of the thought, the weapon of knowledge, the companion of absent friend, the converser with them over long distances, the depository of secrets, and register of events. † – Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ash-Shaybani Many religions have made the use of art to portrait their core doctrine. Islam has used the shapes and sizes of word and letter in calligr aphy which is a paramount form of art for Islamic visual expression and inspiration. It portrait the cultural values of Muslims. The Islamic calligraphy is a hallmark of most muslim societies it stands out with other calligraphic tradition with flexibility and its applicable to any decorative purpose, from the 8th century it became more standardized and bonding with Muslim identity far more firmly than any writing tradition. The tools used by calligrapher are unique which includes reeds and brush pens, scissors, a knife for cutting the pens, an ink pot, and a sharpening tool, The traditional way to hold the pen,† according to Safadi, â€Å"is with middle finger, forefinger, and thumb well spaced out along the (pen's) shaft. Only the lightest possible pressure is applied. † The most admirable reeds were native to the coastal lands of the Persian Gulf. Qalams the most valued objects are stipulated across the entire Muslim world. An accomplished and handy scribe would require different qalams in order to achieve different degrees of fineness. Inks used are of various colors but the ink most used is black and brown, since there acuteness and consistencies can be altered, Many of the calligraphers are provide training on how to prepare ink while other implies that their recipe is a secret. Although techniques differ from one place to another place, most inks were based on soot or lamp-black mixed with water and gum-Arabic. Other ingredients are indigo, minced gall-nuts, and henna. The final stage of preparation involved straining the ink through silk. Also, the ink might be perfumed if desired. There are different kinds of calligraphy restricted to Islam the most common among them is Kufic. It has amalgamation of square and angular lines on one end, and compact bold circular forms on the other. It reached perfection in the late 8 century and became to only script to write Quran for following 300 years. Taliq calligraphy which was developed in Iran in the 10th century created by Hassan Ibn Husayn but due to great improvement by abd-ul-malk its usually affiliated with him. It is written with thick nipped pen with cater corner cuts, it’s a combination of short thin vertical with broad horizontal whose natural length is exaggerated wherever possible and especially at the end of work. Thuluth is medieval Islamic style of handwritten alphabet. It’s written on principium that one third of each letter slopes. It is gigantic and fancy calligraphy script which is often used for titles rather than the long text. The letters are round and maybe written in line so close that the element of letters intersect with each other. Many of its discripence are found on architectural monuments as well as on glass, metalwork, textiles, and wood. Naskh which means â€Å"copying,† is like a run on a mill which was used in ordinary correspondence and the production of literary works. It has a regular appearance. This calligraphic script of Ibn Muqla was escorted to excellence by Ibn Al-Bawwaba, a house decorator who turned his hand to calligraphy. In 10th century it was used for writing the Quran and this art never ended in Persia However, it is Mirza Ahmad Nayrizi, in the early 18th century who is regarded as the last great master of naskh. There were many late development in the Calligraphy. The Safavid dynasty in 1502 produced an eye opening masterpieces of Islamic art. During the era of Shah Isma'il and his successor Shah Tahmasp (1524-1576), the Ta'liq script was invented and developed into a widely used native script which led to the invention of a lighter and more elegant version called Nasta'liq. The word Nasta'liq is a compound word derived from Naskh and Ta'liq The Mughals lived and reigned in India from 1526 to 1858. This dynasty was the greatest, richest, and longest lasting Muslim dynasty to rule India. They produced some finest art work in the history. Nasta'liq, Naskh, and Thuluth were adopted by the Muslim calligraphers during this era. The passionate development of calligraphy in India led to the creation of new versions of Naskh and Thuluth. These Mughal scripts are thicker and bolder, the letters are widely spaced, and the curves are more rounded. Calligraphy was extremely appreciated in this era especially when the Taj Mahal was built. One name remains closely associated with It with the superb calligraphic inscriptions displayed in the geometric friezes on the white marble — that is the name of the ingenious calligrapher Amanat Khan, whose real name was Abd ul-Haq. It can be proven that the fact, that the Arabic calligraphy has more strongly associated with Islam than the Arabic language itself. That is, even illiterate people who could not conceive either spoken or written Arabic knew immediately when they were in a Muslim environment when they saw the Arabic script clearly displayed in calligraphy. This rare function of the Islamic calligraphy continues to the present day. Referencing: Sana Naveed. (2006). islamic calligraphy art. Available: . Last accessed 17th feb 2011. Islami City. (2005). islamic calligraphy . Available: Last accessed 17th feb 2011. Museum Of Fine Arts. (202009). Introduction: Traces of the Calligrapher. Available: Last accessed 17th feb 2011. Mamoon Shakkal. (1993). The Language And The Script. Available: Last accessed 17th feb 2011. Wilson, Diana Hardy. (1990). The encyclopedia of calligraphy techniques: Headline. p34-56. Saramago (1995). Manual of painting & calligraph: Carcanet, in association with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation,. p1-17.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Statistical Process Control whilst primarily a manufacturing quality Essay

Statistical Process Control whilst primarily a manufacturing quality technique can be usefully applied in service industries - Essay Example According to above lines, delivery of service is being compared in context to expectation of customers and divergence of expected service quality from delivered quality creates the gap. Ladhari (2009) stated that four characteristics of service like intangibility, heterogeneity, perishability and inseparability make it different from manufacturing offering. . Markovic (2006) argued that manufacturing sector should not be compared with service sector because customers might act as co-producer in service delivery process while customer involvement is negligent in manufacturing process. In such context, Khan (2003) stated that intangibility and inseparability make it difficult to control service quality while there are statistical procedures available to manage quality of manufacturing process. In such context, Chakrabarty and Tan (2007) found that unlike the manufacturing sector, it took time for service sector to realize the importance of Statistical Process Control (SPC) in managing quality. Sulek (2004) argued that most of the common statistical control mechanism can also be used in service sector to manage quality but little bit recalibration of the statistical model is needed in order to utilize it accurate manner in service environment. Discussion Six Sigma & Control Chart Antony (2006) defined the term Sigma as the deviation from service performance characteristics mean while objective of deploying Six Sigma in service sector is to reduce the scope of variation and subsequently improve quality. In order to control variation in the service performance, specific control limit is being assigned (SLupper). Aim of the service performance would be not to cross the upper control limit or the maximum tolerance zone (Yilmaz and Chatterjee, 2000). In case of Six Sigma, distance between SLupper and service process mean is equal to six standard deviations and in this way term â€Å"Six Sigma† has been arrived. In case of six sigma process, deviation in service performance caused by external uncontrollable influences would not exceed the limit of 3.4 parts per million or 3.4 times the service process will show defect out of 1 million times (Antony, 2006). Antony (2006) and Hoerl (2001) stated that Six Sigma process can be applied to service processes like order entry, invoicing, shipping, baggage handling, payroll processing etc. On the other hand, Yilmaz and Chatterjee (2000) measured that defect rate in service sector is less than 3.5 sigma quality level which means 23,000 times the service process will show defect out of 1 million times. In such context, applying Six Sigma as SPC would improve the service performance level to 99.38 per cent. Hoerl and Snee (2002 and 2003) identified benefits of deploying Six Sigma in service sector as 1- decrease in service defect rate which would automatically increase cost efficiency in the service process, 2- management decision would be guided by data driven statistical analysis which would decrease the scope of assumption bases errors and 3- decrease in service defect would significantly decrease customer complaints. Some practical examples can be cited in order to highlight usefulness of Six Sigma model in service sectors. Table 1: Practical Evidences of Implementation of Six Sigma in Service Organizations Organization Benefits J P Morgan Chase (Global Investment Banking) Applying Six Sigma model has helped the company to reduce flaws in service delivery

Diabetic Ketoacidosis v Hyperglycamic Hyperosmolar State Essay

Diabetic Ketoacidosis v Hyperglycamic Hyperosmolar State - Essay Example There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is formerly known as juvenile diabetes, simply because it is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes as it can develop at any age. The failure of the muscles and liver to use insulin properly forces the pancreas to produce more insulin until such time that it can no longer cope with the demand and lose its ability to secrete insulin. Gestational diabetes is the kind that is associated with a woman’s pregnancy (â€Å"Diagnosis of Diabetes†). Insulin deficiency may also cause the buildup of an acid known as ketone in the blood. Ketoacidosis, or having high levels of ketone in the blood, can poison the body as it disrupts the chemical balance in the blood and may lead to a diabetic coma or even death. It passes up in the urine and is the warning sign that insulin levels are very low and that ketone levels are high. It is most commonly found in people with type 1 diabetes. Some of the symptoms include: dry mouth, frequent urination, hyperglycemia, constant feeling of tiredness, dry/flushed skin, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty in breathing, fruity odor on breath and confusion. While the common cold or flu can bring about ketoacidosis, some other causes may be insufficient insulin in the body which would lead to the breaking down of fats for energy, insufficient food intake, and low blood glucose (â€Å"Ketoacidosis†). Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma (HHNC) is a condition that is more commonly found in Type 2 diabetes patients. It is characterized by decreased consciousness, extreme dehydration, and extremely high blood glucose levels, which is not accompanied by ketoacidosis (â€Å"Diabetic Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The influence of culture conditions on the mechanical properties of Literature review

The influence of culture conditions on the mechanical properties of agarose hydrogels for cartilage tissue engineering - Literature review Example Numerous researches have been conducted with no resolution to some of these fundamental issues, in an effort to characterize the synovial body joints, it has led to the development of an experimental approach to in the investigation of the dynamic and constitutive properties of the cartilage. In a nutshell, the interpretation of this information leads to the illumination of a cartilage microstructure. This cartilage is basically composed of the collagen meshwork under the tension within the osmotic potential composed of a finer proteoglycan network gel. These dynamic properties and constitution of the cartilage are usually determined by this structures motion in the surrounding fluids. In relevant physiologically conditions, this gel networks assumes the state of immobilization to relative collagen networking an equivalent single network referred to as the cartilage network which characterizes the major cartilage behavior. Body energy is basically stored in this cartilage networks in three forms and any external load is usually balanced in the state of equilibrium by the elastic changes of the collagen network and by both osmotic and no osmotic ionic proteoglycan networks potentials of the cartilage network. This state of equilibrium can be distorted or shifted by changing the reference level of the osmotic pressure or by mechanical loading. The majority of biomechanical approaches in the properties of cartilage these are referenced and in mechanical tests, it suffers from the challenges of practical limits in the replica of the situ conditions, especially in the equilibrium. The use of compression specimens is paramount and is plugged from the exercised joints which must be preloaded in achievement of the uniaxial conditions of strain and the poisson effect of the thin and tensile specimens. In this experiment, the specimen cartilage is first put in a state of equilibrium in a saline solution under controlled temperatures

Monday, August 26, 2019

Survey Development Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Survey Development Project - Assignment Example The beginning of Boston included events such as the Boston massacre, Boston Tea Party, Boston Siege, and the Battle of Bunker Hill. After the establishment, Boston attracted many settlers from without because it became an interregional center for education, medicine, socialization, and business (Chowdhury, 2012). The city was a regional leader in innovation and economic development. The changes that occurred in Boston made the population grow very fast with the influx of immigrants and investors. The groups that migrated to Boston included Germans, Syrians, French, Canadians, and Haitians, among others. This migration made a blend of many ethnic communities, which changed the operations and interactions of the city drastically (Byrne & Deane, 2011). Boston has a population of 645,966 people, about 10% of Massachusetts’ population, which is 6,708,874 (Love & Sajatovic, 2011). Over half of Boston’s population is made up of Caucasian people, a quarter African-Americans, Hispanic Latinos 17.5, and 8.9% Asians, and American Indians 0.4 (McCuskee, 2012). This makes Boston a blend of many cultures with variations in belief systems and values. The Boston Haitians started to migrate to Boston in the 20thcentury. They were fleeing the dictatorship of Francois Duvalier (commonly known as Papa Doc). Today, the population of Haitians in Boston is only third in United States after Florida and New York (Johnson, 2015). In 2005, for example, there were 40,000 Haitians in Massachusetts. The paper illustrates how Haitians are treated in the medical sector in Boston. The focus is specifically on mental health with a specific focus on the contributions of cultural beliefs. This study will be done among the Boston Haitians with the involvement of professionals in medicine, sociology, and history. This survey explains the approaches to the treatment of the Haitians by the healthcare providers in Boston. The research aims at finding the disadvantages that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Hundred Years War affect to Modern World Research Paper

The Hundred Years War affect to Modern World - Research Paper Example Christopher Allmand argues, â€Å"The influence of the â€Å"Annales,† school of historical writing has been largely to place the study of war in the wider social, economic, and cultural background of the societies in which it was fought, to make war part of ‘total’ history.† (1) The Hundred Years’ War began in 1337 and finally it terminated in 1453. As the war progressed, along with it the science of weaponry employed in the war also changed drastically. Mounted knights were replaced by canons and gunpowder. Battles of different intensities were fought and they went through different phases. The Hundred Years War united the people of nations and a new spirit of nationalism was born with the abolition feudalism, and the structural changes in administrative and military set up. In England civil bureaucracy got strengthened, and for both the countries, it was a period of transition from the medieval to the threshold of the early pre-modern period. The Hundred Years War: Decline of Medieval Warfare and the reasons therefor: Medieval warfare was the integral part of life in Europe during the fourteenth and first half of the fifteenth century. The nobles exercised power by either birthright or as their inborn status as warrior class. The role of the commoners was subservient and they served the Kings as archers on call. By participating in some important battles, that practice proved disastrous for France, and they realized the need to better the technical aspects of fighting to be victorious in war. The French forces suffered heavy losses against the super war tactics of English army who took position on a hill and fought with dismounted knights. French forces included mounted knights. Describing one such battle Matthew Bennet writes, â€Å" On the evening of 24th October 1415†¦.Against all expectations the battle that followed would turn out to be a decisive victory for the English, fought in a field near the village that was to give it the name—Agincourt.†(7)In short, The Hundred Ye ars War was a land battle of two monarchies. In modern times, a war of this genre and for long period would never happen; taking into consideration the destructive power of present-day weapons and such prolonged conflicts would not be supported by the democratic governments. The last prolonged major war between several nations, World War II, culminated in employing the nuclear weapons to end the war, and Japan was powerless to engage America in a prolonged war. Effects of The Hundred Years War on Military Traditions. Allmand further argues, â€Å"In France and England, it was the breakdown of the historic feudal order, no longer able to meet the demands of changing times, and its gradual replacement by an order of nations increasingly aware of their growing national characteristics.†(7)The rules and mode of conflict changed. Canons and gunpowder impacted the military strategies. The military donned a new face in Europe. Trained gunners replaced the bowmen. Western European hi story was impacted significantly in social, intellectual and cultural areas. The English employed tactics of total war against the French population and economy and its effect on both sides were quite devastating. During this period England had also to encounter the bloodiest civil war known as the War of Roses. Geographical Effects The Hundred Years War did not mean that the war progressed for hundred years without intermission. There were a series of wars with uneasy peace interludes. But the unresolved issues about the struggle continued for a century. Many important problems beyond the battles cropped up, and the process

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Problem based assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Problem based assignment - Essay Example It is treated as a natural separate person due to which, it is responsible for all acts or liability bound to it. The company therefore can enter into contract on its own name and due to which it liable for any breach of that contract, e.g. the director is considered as a natural person who acts on behalf of the company. The managing director who is working on behalf of company is actually considered as secondary liability in which the company is responsible for the acts of another. the director in this case is working on behalf of company and his acts are directly attributed to the company as he is not the servant or agent of company, he is director with powers to bind the company into contract which clearly states that any guilt or liability arise due to the contract by director will automatically bound the company into that contract , and so the company will be liable for that contract and any breach of that contract can sue the company as a separate legal entity and not the direc tor. ... In the given scenario the director of company entered into the contract of $1 million, but actually the director was only allowed to enter the contract below $ 500,000. The director is exceeding his capacity for entering into the contract. However the company mincoNL will be sued for the wrongful act of the director, and company can fine or charge the director for his wrongful act. So according to the case in Tesco Supermarkets Ltd v Nattrass, in this scenario the same situation applies on company. Step 4: Conclusion if the director enters into the contract, the company according to The corporate criminal liability, company is convicted of a crime committed by directors or employees who are acting as the company`s mind. Under the criminal and civil penalties, the director will be fined or can be banned by the company. Although the company is liable for the contract the company will sue the director for exceeding his authority powers of contractual capacity which he was not permitted by the company. PART B Step 1: Identify Legal Issue/s EquiPtyLtd is facing problems about the legal matters regarding company law and want an advice. The company had a contract to deliver 2 buses of worth $1m to MincoNL. But now MincoNL’s directors refused to take delivery of buses on the basis of following grounds. 1. EquiptyLTD was entered into the contract with jaonne flywell, the managing director of the MincoNL. Jaonne has only the maximum purchasing limit of 0. $5m .As this was written in constitution so Equiptyltd should know about it. The Area of law which deals with this matter is the statutory assumptions described in the company law. The

Friday, August 23, 2019

Juvenile Justice-Child Abuse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Juvenile Justice-Child Abuse - Assignment Example Instead, the increase is as a result of inadequate funding from the government. Many states have insufficient finances to carry out effective protection of child rights. The increase of child abuse cases since 2007 can be attributed to the 2008 economic crisis (Spencer, 2009). Child abuse cases are under recorded in the United States because of the federal government’s definition of abuse deaths. The federal government treats fatal cases of child abuse as negligence of the caregiver rather than maltreatment. Most cases, which involve the abuse of children, go unrecorded in government statistics due to this technicality. The undercounting of the abused children is another clear indication that cases of child abuse are rising in America (ECM 2010). In the United States, there are restrictive confidentiality laws. These laws have shielded access to information on child abuse cases. Elected officials or journalists cannot access or cover the stories of particular child abuses because of the restrictive laws. These restrictive laws were initially meant to protect the privacy of abused children. These laws have, therefore, contributed significantly to the under recording of child abuse cases (ECM

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PESO Online Job Posting System Essay Example for Free

PESO Online Job Posting System Essay INTRODUCTION Today, we are living in a modern age engaged in highly computerized technology where computer devices manifest everywhere aiming to enhance individual lifestyle and most especially in the world of business. Manual operations are considered out of date and are left behind because of modern technology. Using computers and modern technology is a great help to every individual most especially to business transaction. Individuals and companies today wants manual operations to be replace with an automated one in order for them to have a better and easy lifestyle and operations. But today, many companies even local government offices are using manual operations that consume a lot of time, money and effort that gives every individual and companies a hard time. As modern technology continues to improve, all processes are automated and are moved onto the web or cloud based. The online job posting system replace the manual operation of the office regarding the posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Online job posting will improve the office services and provides convenience on the applicants, employers and office staff. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a multi-service facility that was established to provide information and assistance to DOLE clients and constituents of local government units (LGU’s). It makes available under one roof the various employment programs and services of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to enable all types of clientele to know more about them and to provide assistance on employment and income opportunities or other specific assistance needed. It’s services are to provide job fairs, livelihood and self-employment bazaars, Special Credit Assistance for Placed Overseas Workers, Special Program for Employment of Students and Out-of-School Youth, Work Appreciation Program, Workers Hiring for  Infrastructure Projects and Other programs/activities developed by DOLE to enhance provision of employment assistance to PESO clients HISTORY This study focuses on the ordering process in Public Employment Service Office. The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a non-fee charging multi-employment service facility or entity established or accredited pursuant to Republic Act No. 8759 otherwise known as the PESO Act of 1999. The Republic Act No. 8759 was signed in to law on February 14, 1999. Its purpose is to carry out full employment and equality of employment opportunities. Duties: 1. Ensure the prompt, timely and efficient delivery of employment service and provision of information on the other DOLE programs. 2. Provide a venue where people could explore simultaneously various employment options and actually seek assistance they prefer. 3. Serve as referral and information center for the various services and programs of DOLE and other government agencies present in the area. 4. Provide clients with adequate information on employment and labor market situation in the area. 5. Network with other PESOs within the region on employment for job exchange purposes. Functions: 1. Encourage employers to submit to the PESO on a regular basis a list of job vacancies in their respective establishments in order to facilitate the exchange of labor market information services to job seekers and employers by providing employment services to job seeker, both for local and overseas employment, and recruitment assistance to employers. 2. Develop and  administer testing and evaluation instruments for effective job selection, training and counseling. 3. Provide persons with entrepreneurship qualities access to the various livelihood and self-employment programs offered by both government and non-governmental organizations at the provincial/city/municipal/barangay levels by undertaking referrals for such program. 4. Undertake employability enhancement trainings/seminar for jobseekers as well as those would like to change career or enhance their employability. This function is presently supervised by TESDA and conducted by other training. 5. Provide employment and occu pational counseling, career guidance, mass motivation and values development activities. 6. Conduct pre-employment counseling and orientation to prospective local and overseas workers. 7. Provide reintegration assistance services to returning Filipino migrant workers. 8. Perform such functions as willfully carry out the objectives of this Act. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Figure 1: PESO Organization Chart RESEARCH LOCALE Figure 2: PESO Location Map PROBLEM DEFINITION Currently, the Public Employment Service Office at San Jose Del Monte Bulacan is using a manual operation in posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Companies having a hard time on submitting reports about the applicants they hire because of the manual operation, thus, the PESO staff are also having a hard time creating reports.  Inconvenience, the applicants need to go to the office from time to time for them to know what jobs are available. And the companies must send a  representative to communicate and present the needed requirements before they can become a qualified employer for PESO. The problems stated above will all be solved using the proposed system which is the Online Job Posting System. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Generally this study aims to solve issues that happened in the manual operations in Public Employment Service Office. The study is conducted to find out if minimizing the manual operations with an online job posting system could help Public Employment Service Office customers to achieve quality ordering service. Specifically, it aims to; Identify the key issues relating to the development of an online job posting system and understand the flow posting of jobs, referral and screening of applicants, recording and creation of reports and information and screening and communication with companies. Identify the problem that the staffs, employers and applicants encountered in the existing manual operations of PESO Provide a solution for the identified problem. SCOPES AND LIMITATION . The system which is job posting system will be implemented for the Public Employment Service Office. The system will be used by the staffs, employers, and applicants. The system will allow the applicants to browse jobs and be notified to new qualified jobs. It will also make the registrations of the applicants easy by not needing for them to go to the office. It will also benefit the employers, they will be no longer need to go the office just to communicate and give requirements. It will also make the creation of reports easy on the part of staffs and employers. On the other hand, the system limitations are, only citizens of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan can register online; citizens of other city are required to go to the office of PESO of CSJDM for special cases. The said system cannot be used when there is power shortage and can only be used if there is an internet connection. Notifications through SMS are limited to those who provide their contact information and to those who have a good network signal. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3: Project Sytem Logo SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY The study will help the PESO to improve and speed up their services. The developed system will greatly improve the processes and replace the manual operations with a more organized and automated processes. It will give benefit the staffs, employers and applicants. Staffs- the proposed system will help the staffs to provide a more reliable and easy to do reports and records, more effective and efficient way of job posting, easier way of screening, giving referrals, communicating with applicants and employers and will eliminate human errors.. Employers-the proposed system will help the employers to provide a more reliable and easy to do reports and records, convenient way of submitting requirements and communicating with PESO staffs. Applicants- the proposed system will help the applicants to register and search for jobs in a more convenient and easier way. It will save them effort, time and money. Proponents. The study allowed the proponents to gain knowledge and experience doing rese arch study and learn how to automate a particular process. The study gives a great aid to the proponents to have a first-hand experience in making a system which can contribute to the suitable solution of the company’s necessity. Future Researchers. The study serves as a guide for future researchers having the same field of topic and subject matter. The study is capable of being an instrument and as future point of reference for the correlated study. The material can be a helpful citation of ideas to the future researchers having the same field of research. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS User Interface- the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control of the machine and feedback  from the machine which aids the operator in making operational decisions. Admin- the admin will maintain the system it can review reject and approve the profiles of every applicant or employer and jobs recruitment request of the company. Profiling- the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on what is already known. Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development. Login The process of identifying oneself to a computer, usually by entering ones username and password. Logout Once a us er has logged in, they can then log out or log off when access is no longer needed. To log out is to close off ones access to a computer system after having previously logged in. Referral the process of directing or redirecting to an appropriate agency TECHNICAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. Database management systems (DBMSs) are specially designed applications that interact with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). It specifies all domain levels, including the top-level domain and the root zone. A  fully qualified domain name is distinguished by its lack of ambiguity: it can only be interpreted one way. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) -is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like ), within the web page content. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language. JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and has first-class functions. Its syntax was influenced by C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics. The key design principles within JavaScript are taken from the Self and Scheme programming languages. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) JQuery is a multi-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. JQuery is free, open source software, licensed under the MIT License. J query’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, theme-able widgets. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Microsoft Excel -is a spread sheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual  Basic for Applications. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) MySQL runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases, though SQLite probably has more total embedded deployments. The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Network Is a collection of computers and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. In 1991, Adobe Systems co-founder John Warnock outlined a system called Camelot that evolved into PDF. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the resulting web page: PHP commands can be embedded directly into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data. Server A computer, or a software package, that provides a specific kind of service to client software running on other computers. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Web browser- displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. On a network, a web browser can retrieve a web page from a remote web server. On a higher level, the web server may restrict access to only a private network such as a corporate intranet or it provide access to the World Wide Web. On a lower level, the web browser uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to make such requests. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Webpage is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the computer application) that helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet. The most common use of web servers is to host websites, but there are other uses such as gaming, data storage or running enterprise applications. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. ( retrieved October 2, 2014) XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. (L. Grimmer, 2006)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Role of the Dead Letter Office Essay Example for Free

The Role of the Dead Letter Office Essay While Melville only mentions the Dead Letter Office in the last paragraph, he portrays its significance throughout the story. Melville reveals Bartleby previously worked in a Dead Letter Office, where he handled the monotonous task of burning undeliverable mail. Because the narrator views Bartleby as a mirthless man, he feels pity for Bartleby working at a place devoid of happiness. By employing a theme of lost hope, Melville describes the dead letters as mail, which fails to reach its destination with its encouraging message or item of value. Melville associates the melancholy present in Dead Letter Office with the strife evident in Bartlebys life. In Melvilles short story, the Dead Letter Office serves as an influence upon Bartlebys fastidious nature. Throughout the story, Bartleby expresses his preferences in regard to his work, which primarily result from the dissatisfaction he felt in his previous profession. Perhaps Bartlebys refusal in performing his duties signifies his dismissal of authority, which indicates Bartlebys desire to control his own life. By characterizing Bartleby as an isolated man, Melville demonstrates how Bartlebys environment separates him from nature and the company of others. Working in the narrators office, Bartleby occupies a secluded area near a window, where he constantly stares at a wall. Bartleby exhibits the behavior of a loner as he stays at the office even at night, when no one occupies the streets. When Melville states On errands of life, these letters speed to death, he refers to the Dead Letter Office as a symbol of mortality (Melville 52). In describing Bartlebys former occupation, the narrator even acquaints the dead letters of the mail center with dead men (51). Melville portrays the final depressing image of death through Bartlebys former workplace, the Dead Letter Office.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

People With Disability And The Media Media Essay

People With Disability And The Media Media Essay The mass media serves many purposes. It is informative, descriptive, and persuasive but it also helps create stereotypes and reinforce cultural values. Although there is no clear correlation of the effects media has on the attitudes of society towards people with disabilities it is seen to have an influence. People with disabilities and their concerns are either invisible, marginalised, or depicted by negative stereotypes in the media The media seem to distinguish people with disabilities in a number of limited categories. They are portrayed as either heroes for doing something inspirational or achieving something great, as people who should be pitied for their impairment or as people who are sinister or evil and evoke fear. Rarely do they appear and remain in the media in habitual roles. In our society people with disabilities are excluded, oppressed, treated unequally, seen as helpless and are victims of prejudice. Many news articles concerning disability contain stories regarding cures, or overcoming the disability. The Irish Examiner recently featured a story entitled Device lets blind soldier see again (Creedon 2010 p5). The focus in this story is a soldier, a hero, who lost his sight in the Iraqi war trying to regain a normal life and the device he uses enables him to get around without the use of a guide dog. This seems to portraying the need to hide the disability and to somehow fix it, or find a cure for it. Some famous people are also known for trying to overcome their disability and never accepting it. Christopher Reeve, famously known for his role as superman, became a wheelchair user and required breathing equipment following an accident where he thrown from his horse. He never fully accepted his disability and became an advocate for stem cell research to find a cure. President F.D Roosevelt was a wheelchair user but there are claims that only two photos of 35,000 showed him in his w heelchair (Hevey 1992, Delamothe 1992). In another recent story, Autistic boy seeks return of facilities (Kilfeather 2010 p2) a boy is portrayed as being denied his constitutional rights because he is not provided with equipment he requires. On the same page as this article is a story about a young autistic girl who is a hero and is overcoming her obstacles. This story, Grace iPhone app makes a difference (Ó Cionnaith 2010 p2) does hold positive information for people with autism however in the development of a new device to assist communication but they are treating her as astonishingly impressive. Oliver (1990) noted that people with disabilities were described as extraordinary or sub-ordinate humans. People with disabilities were used as a source of melodramatic entertainment in circuses across Europe and America throughout the 20th century as depicted in Mel Brooks The Elephant man in 1980 and Tod Browning Freaks film in 1932. Disability was not understood at the time and was seen as evil, works of the devil and something to be feared. Cultural views has changed drastically since institutionalization and become more accepting of people with disabilities, although it still needs huge improvements. Soap operas are very popular nowadays. They are entertaining but directly relate to ordinary life experiences and are an excellent way of portraying social issues. They do not include people with disabilities very often, and when they do the person with the disability finds a cure or leaves again. EastEnders, a UK based soap, has included a character with bi polar disorder and a character with paralysis recently. These characters are depicted excellently and will hopefully set a precedent for other soaps. Robert Zemeckis 1994 film Forrest Gump is a widely known film starring a character with autism. This film involves positive and negative imagery. Firstly, he is a hero for his achievements in war but then he is also portrayed as having normal intimate feelings for a member of the opposite sex. He is not just shown as a supernatural human but as a sufferer of unrequited love which is a usual feature of many characters in fiction. This film is an exception to most for its representation of disability. The images the media render can be seen as very conflicting. The current television advertisements to promote safe driving evoke a sense of pity and horror in the viewer to the results of a car accident, such as facial disfigurement, paralysis, undesirability and total dependence on others of the victim. Parents and family are then seen as burdened with the victim of the car accident who now has a disability. There is an emphasis on who is going to provide for victim when the care givers die. There is also a stress on rehabilitation following an accident. If one is a victim of an accident and becomes a wheelchair user one must try to correct that by participating in rehabilitation. Even plastic surgery can be seen as a pressure by society to conform to what is seen to be conventional. This ideology is a product of cultural values and norms, reinforced by the media portrayal of flawlessness. On the other hand, The National Disability Authoritys campaign called Challenging Attitudes, first launch in December 2007, was designed to change peoples views on mental health issues by using television, radio advertisements and posters (see appendix 1). They use a number of words to describe a person and include a mental health phrase such as depression, schizophrenic, bi-polar etc. They are trying to persuade people to look at the person as a whole, not in terms of the disability. This is contradictory to the message given by the car accident advertisements where a person with a disability is seen in terms of their disability and it is something to be feared. The Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland (2008) report found that many people thought that children with disabilities should not attend mainstream schooling. This shows huge discrimination and problems changing cultural attitudes towards people with disabilities when it cannot be accepted in schools. In this study it was found that 60% of the respondents thought that disability was created by barriers in society which is an idea founded in the social model of disability (Oliver, 1983). This is a big increase since the 2002 report which found that only 25% of people saw society as creating barriers for people with disabilities. Public attitudes are shifting in a positive direction. From practice placement it is evident in a local town in North Kerry that some businesses in the town do not allow young children with a range of physical and mental disabilities into their premises. If they do allow them in it is only at a certain times of the day for a given period. Many of the staff working with these young children are harassed by local people saying that those people should be locked away as they were frightening their children and they should not be behaving like that in public. Environments and attitudes like this exclude people with disabilities and prevent positive socialisation. Huge investment needs to be placed into re-educating the people in our society. People with disabilities are not usually seen in primary roles in television programmes. A study by Cumberbatch and Negrine (1992) in the United Kingdom reveal that the most prevailing stories regarding disability in the media included people with a disability achieving something major or finding a cure. They examined an eight week period of television programming over a number of channels. They also found that people with disabilities only appeared .5% of fictional programmes. Contrasting to the UK study, The Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting (2009) showed that people with disabilities featured more in fictional programmes then nonfiction. Perhaps this means a shift in images over the period of time. In the report, they concluded that: People with disabilities are more likely to be obviously present in drama, comedy and lifestyle programming and are less evident in news, sports and music programming (The Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting, 2009) People with disabilities have only begun to appear in advertisements since the 1980s, most frequently they are seen on charity advertisements appealing for financial support. These advertisements and depictions are mostly controlled by able-bodied people. Mason (1982) argues in her poem that people with disabilities are silenced when it comes to their portrayal in the media so as not to disrupt the image of dependency and need. The Special Olympics advertisement appeals for financial support utilises children in evoking pity in the audience. Many people with disabilities feel that they have no say in these decisions about how they are publicized in the media. They are represented by others who may not understand their needs. More people with disabilities need to be included in the decision making processes. The Irish population seem to be enraptured by the current story of the conjoined twins, Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf, they have almost become celebrities because of their disabili ty. They have been featured in national and local newspapers, on radio shows and on the television. The media have played a very important role in portraying their image and appealing for financial assistance. A recently conducted workshop in Dublin by Dr. Philip Nitschke, commonly known as Dr. Death in the media, could potentially be very dangerous. His workshops consist of information as to how a person can commit suicide safety and efficiently. Dr. Nitschke is the first doctor in the world to conduct a physician assisted suicide, first done in Australia in 1996. He claims his workshops are aimed at elderly people and those who are terminally ill, but he cannot guarantee that the information he has given will not be used by others such as people affected with mental health issues or people with disabilities. He gives clear information about methods of suicide and he also tells people where to get items to assist their suicide. Although suicide is not illegal in Ireland, euthanasia is and having access to this information could encourage more suicide especially in the more vulnerable in society and in a culture where disability is looked upon as requiring a cure. There have been some positive changes in Irish legislation and policies in recent years. A Strategy for Equality (1996) has influenced some of these changes. This report was made in conjunction with people with disabilities and it made many recommendations. One of the recurring recommendations in the report is to provide training to professionals and individuals such as presenters, journalists, teachers, students, people with disabilities etc. regarding the use of terminology and imagery. It seems that the principle problem lies in the lack of education regarding people with disabilities. Disability is ignored more often than it is acknowledged. This report also recommends that news regarding people with disabilities should feature in mainstream news and not in special correspondence. As they are underrepresented in the media the topic of disability should be made more visible. There is a clear lack of participation in game shows and talent shows by people with disabilities. The report also found that people in the deaf community felt that more programmes need to be subtitled to create equal access; however this issue has been addressed greatly since this report which is a positive action towards inclusivity. The Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting (2009) illustrate that people are more willing to accept and listen to people with disabilities in the media where people with disabilities take part. Overall, however people with disabilities only accounted for 1% of the proportion of people on television even though they account for 10% of the population (Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland, 2008). They are highly under represented. The programmes involving people with disabilities featured unemployment problems, unusual medical syndromes, being victims of violence and abuse, unequal opportunities, unable to commit to and sustain sexual relationships, etc. This seems to reinforce stereotyping of people with disabilities and portrays a very negative image to the population. There is legislation in Ireland to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. The Employment Equality Acts 1998 2004 and the Equal Status Acts 2000 -2004 provides that it is illegal to discriminate in workplaces and in service provision on a number of grounds. This is recent legislation that could potentially have a positive effect on peoples values and norms. Also the Disability Act 2005 provides that 3% of positions in public sector organisations must held for people with disabilities. Although this is discrimination against able bodied people, it is for a positive reason and should hopefully encourage more acceptances of people with disabilities. If communities are more exposed to people with disabilities, attitudes and cultural norms would change. In conclusion, it is a slow process but the media is beginning to change its images and the culture is becoming more accepting of people with disabilities. Perhaps it would be worth considering initiatives regarding how prejudice against black people or homosexual people were addressed and how effective they were in planning action and reducing prejudice for the disabled community. References Creedon, L., (2010) Device lets blind soldier see again. The Irish Examiner, March 16th, 5 Cumberbatch, G Negrine, R., (1992) Images of disability on television, Routledge Darke, London Delamothe, T., (1992) Thank You. Medicine and the Media, May 2nd, 1186 EastEnder, 2010 (Soap) Directed by Julia Smith. UK: Elstree Studios Forrest Gump, 1994 (Film) Directed by Robert Zemeckis. USA: Paramount Pictures Freaks, 1932 (Film) Directed by Tod Browning. USA: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hevey, D., (1992) The Creatures Time Forgot: Photography and Disability Imagery. Routledge, London. Kilfeather, V., (2010) Autistic boy seeks return of facilities. Irish Examiner, March 16th, 2 Leavy, S. (2010) Does the freedom to die enhance lives? Irish Medical Times, March 28th Mason, M., (1982) From the inside, In from the cold. Summer 12-13 National Disability Authority Broadcasting commission of Ireland., (2009) The Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting, Executive Summary. Dublin. National Disability Authority., (1996) Report of the Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities, A Strategy for Equality 1996. Statistical Consulting, Dublin. National Disability Authority., (2008) Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland. Insight Statistical Consulting, Dublin. Ó Cionnaith, F., (2010) Grace iPhone app makes a difference. Irish Examiner, March 16th, 2 Oliver, M., (1983) Social work with disabled people. Macmillan, UK. Oliver, M., (1990) The politics of disablement. Macmillan, UK. The Elephant man, 1980 (Film) Directed by Mel Brooks. USA: Paramount Pictures Bibliography Barnes, C. Mercer, G. (2003) Disability. Polity Press, Cambridge. Barnes, C., Mercer, G. Shakespeare, T. (1999) Exploring Disability, A Sociological Introduction. Polity Press, Cambridge. Whalley Hammell, K., (2006) Perspectives on Disability Rehabilitation; contesting assumptions; challenging practice. Elsevier Limited, UK.

Scarlet Letter - Pearl as a symbol Essays -- English Literature Essays

Scarlet Letter - Pearl as a symbol Pearl is a symbol of Hester’s transgressions and even has similar qualities as the sin which she represents. Pearl’s life and behavior directly reflects the unacceptable and abnormal nature of Hester’s adulterous sin. Hester is plagued with more than just a letter â€Å"A†; she is given a child from her affair who is just as much a reminder of her sin as the scarlet letter. Ultimately Hester overcomes the shame associated the scarlet letter and creates a sense of family for herself and Pearl. This relationship is integral to the theme of this novel and the development of its characters. Pearls behavior could be described as abnormal, disrespectful, undignified, or altogether opposite of most Puritan customs. â€Å"The child could not be made amenable to rules† (p42); she will not conform to the Puritan view of what a child should be like. Pearl’s enduring disobedience is representative of Hester’s disobedient act. Pearl should be constant reminder of personal sin to everyone that meets her; however, as it would be, she only reminds others of Hester’s sin. Around strangers, and at certain times at home, this poor child becomes merely an â€Å"unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment." (p52) Pearl may be Hester’s only hope of a â€Å"successful† life after she is convicted of adultery. "' I will not lose the child! '" Pearl says, "'†¦thou knowest what is in my heart, and what are a mother's rights, and how much the stronger they are, when that mot...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Highlights of My Teaching Pedagogy Essay -- Teaching Philosophy Ed

The Highlights of My Teaching Pedagogy Through my own experiences, and as enforced by others' opinions in the profession, I have found that teaching is one of the most rewarding careers. Not only are you placed in the position of instructing and guiding children and young adults through the life long learning process, but you are able to give back to the schools and communities which have supported your early education and experiences that opened you up to a bright future. In becoming an educator, I hope to someday share the knowledge and lend the helping, supportive hand that I was once given, allowing students to formulate their own perspectives of the multicultural society and world around them. Teaching is a career I have been interested in pursuing throughout high school, and as my experiences and study in the field expands, I feel that my desire to teach will grow stronger and develop more soundly. As a teacher, I have numerous personal goals. Mainly, my goal is to provide students with the opportunity and encouragement to succeed in life and to develop as free-thinking individuals in society. I consider myself a progressive and an essentialist, according to theory. I feel that students need to be given multiple opportunities to explore many different life skills that sometimes are overlooked in the education system. Testing, rote memorization, and lecture, in my opinion, do not promote students' own inquiry and does not give students opportunities to tap into their own source of knowledge that they each bring with them to the classroom. As a teacher, I hope to leave my students able to set and accomplish goals through the use of these life skills. Some teachers I have had while in hi... ...hods of fill-in-the-blank or multiple choice exams. In my classroom, grades won't carry as much weight as the actual learning the students undertake. I could go on at length, discussing all aspects of my praxis as an educator, however, that would lead to a paper of excruciating length. These aspects of my teaching pedagogy that are delivered in this praxis statement are those that I feel strongest about upholding. It is important for educators to value their students and the perspectives and cultures they bring to the classroom. Student-centered education is what I find to be the key to great teaching, and overall, is the greatest way to allow students to value and grow through their own self-exploratory and self-directed education. Valuing and appreciating each of your students is what makes teaching such an enlightening, uplifting profession.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Speech: Universal Health Care :: Papers Argumentative Medicine Essays

Speech: Universal Health Care Topic: Universal Health Care General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To Persuade my audience that the United States needs to adopt universal health care. Central Idea: Americans current health care system is faulty and needs to be changed to Universal Health Care for all citizens. INTRODUCTION I. Have you ever went without health insurance between jobs, or while working part time or because you just couldn?t afford it? No having health insurance is a big risk in a time where medical costs are sky high, Prescription drug prices are outrageous and when your paying your family doctor $50 for a office visit. Fifty dollars represents a full 8 hours of work for many Americans. A. Health care reform is needed in America. Service for pay medical treatment leaves uninsured citizens going without health care, or seriously in debt. B. Today I want to tell you why adopting universal health care is the answer to the question of health care reform. II. I have had many negative encounters with the health care system. A. At one time because of being a part time student and employee, I could not get insurance though my parents, my work, or my school. I was not eligible for Medicaid, and found the cost of private insurance was completely out of my budget. 1. This was a bad mistake. I was born with neutropenia, a blood disease that affects the immune system I get sick very easily, and my body has a hard time fighting off any infections and trying to stay healthy without insurance soon became impossible B. Suddenly I found myself in serious debt from missing work, doctor?s office visits, and paying outrageous prescription costs. I am still paying off medical bills for lab work, and other tests and emergency room visits. III. Today I want to discuss the reasons why our current health care system is ineffective, the benefits of changing to universal health care, and we will also look at Hawaii?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dc Comics (2012-2013)

Report on DC COMICS for Business Studies Introduction DC comics incorporated is a leading pioneer and one of the most successful enterprise in the American comic books and many related media industries (comic books, movies, games and etcetera) . Founded by Malcolm Wheeler Nicholson in 1934, it was originally known as ‘National Allied Publication' the initials ‘DC' was taken from the popular series ‘Detective Comics' which subsequently became part of the company's name.DC comics is the publishing unit for DC Entertainment a Warner Bros company which itself is owned by Time Warner, producing materials incorporating renown DC characters such as Superman an alien who was sent from the lost planet Krypton, raised on Earth and instilled with a sense of justice from the Superman franchise (Action comics) and Batman a rogue Vigilante by night and by day millionaire, playboy, philanthropist Bruce Wayne from the Dark Knight franchise (debuting in Detective comics). DC comics mission and visionDC's mission is to intergrades its comic business, brand and characters into Warner Bros Entertainment and all its content and distribution business. DC comic envisions to expand and develop the DC brand to every type of media. DC comics annual reports (2009-2012) DC comics future plans DC plans to launch a wave of new DC movies in response to Marvels shared movie gamble (Avengers). Starting with the reboot of Superman (Man of Steel 2013), along with other upcoming silver screen movies featuring other DC uperheroes like Wonder woman, the Flash and others (DC haven yet to decide whether it will reboot the batman franchise or continue Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight and to bring back Ryan Reynold's role as Green Lantern (2011). Although DC hasn't revealed how the movies will be incorporated, whether it be following in the Dark Knight's lead (a single franchise) or become a shared movie plan is still yet unknown.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Curbing College Drinking Essay Essay

â€Å"Curbing College Drinking†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The consequences of college binge drinking are more destructive and life- changing than students realize. In the article â€Å"Curbing College Drinking Starts with a Change in Attitude,† by Sara Fritz, published in Pearson’s The Effective Reader in 2011, the author explains the problems resulting from excessive drinking on college campuses. Due to the seriousness of drinking, colleges find, it will take the combined effort of parents, students, and college staff to accomplish the best end result. Fritz begins her article exploring the issues that arise within college campuses when college students drink in excess. With much time invested as a college trustee and through many long discussions with students, Fritz is discouraged to discover that students arent convinced of the severity stating â€Å"our parents drank† making it seem as just a stage that one goes through. It doesn’t stop there†¦as scientists study the problem, they believe the entire student population must be changed. Also, they believe the college enviroment must be changed in order to revolutionize at risk drinkers. Although Fritz appreciates the efforts of the scientists and commends them on their work, the findings were inconclusive. Fritz provides many facts and opinions in her attempt to persuade the readers of the severity of drinking on college campuses and ways to solve the growing issue. She expresses her disgust when she sarcastically states â€Å"What a concept!† Clearly frustrated, the reader can then be convinced that its been a long standing battle within the college and within her career. With little to no progress, Fritz remains bitter. After reading this article, I agree that college drinking is a serious issue. Fritz offered many good ideas for finding a solution to the problem. Through her personal experiences as a college trustee, she has witnessed, first hand, the tragic effects of college drinking. Perhaps, as parents, we should focus on explaining the dangers of drinking to our children. It may be helpful if we relate to them on the issue, rather than pretending it’s something we have no experience with. I hope that one day a solution will be found to this growing problem.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dealing With Physical Abuse

The Struggle Physical Abuse Brings People all around the world have suffered from being abused verbally and physically, causing a struggle because they don’t know how to handle these types of situations. In the short story Runaways by Karen Brennan, the main character Lou is physically abused by her husband, which leads Lou to run away, causing problems between friends and family. What are you without loved ones? When you really care about someone you will give an arm and a leg for him or her but once they cross a line they shouldn’t, it feels like the world is supposed to end.In Lou’s situation this is exactly what happened to her. She gave her entire life to her husband and her children. Unfortunately her husband didn’t care about her feelings and cared more about what he wanted than what would keep her happy. Physical abuse in a relationship is a key factor of failing marriages. Lack of communication can lead to physical abuse. Throughout the time that Lou and her husband have been married, they have been through a lot. One thing that might have started all their arguing besides his drinking problem may be that they â€Å"have difficulty talking to each other†(Brennan,501).Lou states, â€Å"My husband didn’t always beat me. In the beginning he was just irresponsible. I could live with that. He drank too much and in the worst times he drove too fast with the babies in the car†(Brennan,501). Lou’s husband beats her so often, she is afraid to go to sleep. When her husband was drunk he became a whole different person, â€Å"he was a maniac when he was drunk†(Brennan,501). â€Å"Its unfair the advantage that men have†(Brennan,501) because woman should be able to stand up for themselves without worrying about what the guys reaction will be.Lou is a woman who will put others before herself. She is a mother of four children and wants everyone happy. For instance, a lot of mothers’ first rea ction to their children crying is to beat them and tell them to â€Å"stop whining†. Lou has been beaten by someone she truly loves so why would she want to beat four people she loves unconditionally, her children. Lou states, â€Å"I am not one of those mothers who turns around in the car and swats the kids on the legs and tells them to shut up. I have never believed in that. When they whined, I told stories.I told them about a family who sailed away in an orange balloon†(Brennan,501). Lou had hit her breaking point and had to runaway from her problems. But is running away the answer? Often people who are physically abused turn around and abuse others. For Lou, it was a different story. She was not a young adult who abused her children because her husband abused her. Many people take their anger out on others because it is a way to make themselves feel better. Lou possibly could have felt pressure to raise her four children with her husband being involved.Lou was stro ng enough and didn’t stay in an abusive relationship just for the children because she knew leaving was the best decision for her at the time. Through all the ups and downs Lou went through with her husband in the end she felt like she was left with nothing. â€Å"a woman without a husband is like an ocean without a sea†(Brennan,500). Its hard being happy if you don’t have the people you cherish most in your life around you. A person can struggle with a bunch of emotions and if you don’t have the support of people that care about you, the situation gets a lot harder.When you are surrounded with people that want the best for you, then you will get though your struggles with someone by your side, not alone. I personally know someone who went through something very similar from what Lou went through. My cousin who is now 25 years old has been dealing with family problems ever since she was about 10 years old. I have heard all these stories about my cousin an d her family from my parents. I was always curious and wanted to know what was happening but it was not my place to ask questions because it might be a sensitive topic for her.Her father was a heavy drinker which caused him to be very angry not only friend friends but especially with his family. My cousin Kelley was the youngest of the two kids. She has an older sister who was 4 years older than she is. Night after night her father kept drinking excessively. The family knew what was coming along with his drinking, his anger. One night it got really bad, he yelled at Kelley for the littlest things, things that were not even a big deal. One time, she didn’t wash her plate after dinner because she was too tired and wanted to go to bed.He became highly upset and rushed into her bedroom, slapped her, and told her to get up and clean her plate. Each day he got worse and worse. After a couple years went by Kelley, her mom, and he sister could no longer handle him and his drinking pr oblem. They moved out when he was at work so he could not say anything about it. The girls moved far away and did not tell anyone where they were going because they did not want their father to find out. They knew he would make a big deal about it. Three girls living on their own trying to survive must have been hard.Having a main man in their life was their leading factor to surviving. Without her dad paying for everything and supplying for the family, it’s difficult for the girls. Somehow her father found out where they were and made them come back. They decided to give their father one more chance, thinking that things would be different but they only got worse. He thought they would leave him again so he tried to be more protective which only caused his anger to be worse than it already was. As Kelley matured throughout the years she realized she no longer wanted to have her dad in her life at all so she lost all contact with him.She got her own apartment and did almost a ll her daily actives on her own. After everything that happened with her dad, she didn’t want to depend on anyone else but herself. This made it difficult for Kelley to keep close friendships with her girlfriends because after her father, she thought that everyone she truly cared about would let her down like he did. Kelley’s fear of having to abandon ones she love caused her to have little friends. She was afraid to trust anyone at all because she believed that friendships and relationships don’t last forever.Later when Kelley became a young adult she realized that she could not go on any longer not having her father in her life and having little friends that she can count on. Being on your own is tough. So Kelley allowed her father to re enter her life but not fully be involved 100%. She realized although she had been through a lot over the years, having her dad around again was exactly what she needed to be happy again. As the years go on, you find out who yo u need in your life and who you would be okay without. I thought that Lou and my cousin Kelley’s story were similar due to running away from their problems.Although Lou was physically abused and Kelley was verbally abused their problems with the men in their lives bring their two stories together. Not having a close relationship with someone who means the world to you has to be really hard. Especially for Kelley, being so young and thinking you dad would be someone you would look up to as the years went on. Her father ended up being someone she never thought he would be, which had to of been beyond upsetting. As for Lou, the man who has been the love of her life for years now and has children who look up to him is not the type of father they though he was going to be.Its hard putting all your effort into someone and believing they are going to give their best to you and then be let down. Being let down is very hurtful and can cause someone a lot of pain, for instance Lou and Kelley. Although Lou and Kelley did not end with the same feelings at the end of both of their stories they still dealt with the same process. Work Cited Alvarado, Beth, Barbara Cully, and Michael Robinson. â€Å"Runaways. † Writing as Revision. Boston, MA. : Pearson Custom Pub. , 2003. 499-509. Print.

Afam Studies

Michelle Fleming AFAM Ch 18 Questions 1. Explain why and how some of the New Deal programs, like the AAA and the Civilian Conservation Corps, were discriminatory. The New Deal marked an important shift in the American electoral landscape as significant numbers of African Americans gave their votes to Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic Party for the first time, establishing a political loyalty that has endured for roughly seventy years. New Deal recovery and relief programs rapidly became a central element in blacks' endeavors to survive the harsh economic realities of the Depression.One of these programs, the Civilian Conservation Corps, provided more than a quarter of a million young black men with jobs and was consequently another arena in which the black community waged the struggle for greater equality. Although policy prohibited discrimination, blacks and other minorities encountered numerous difficulties in the CCC. In the early years of the program, some camps were integ rated. By 1935, however, there was, in the words of CCC director Fechner, a â€Å"complete segregation of colored and white enrollees,† but â€Å"segregation is not discrimination. At its peak, more than 250,000 African Americans were enrolled in nearly 150 all-black CCC company. 2. What was the effect of the Social Security Act on African Americans? How did that program reveal that whites often wanted to keep poor white women and blacks in subservient positions? The Social Security Act excluded those job categories blacks traditionally filled. â€Å"Negro Work† such as garbage collection, working in foundries, or domestic service was seen as jobs for blacks; now desperate whites used terror and intimidation of get employers to fire blacks so whites could have those jobs . How did African Americans survive the Great Depression? The depression hit African Americans hard. While many African Americans were already living in poverty, white employers felt no reservations a bout firing their black workers first and by 1932 more than half of African Americans were out of the jobs. Racial tensions grew as economic tensions mounted; lynching's in the south saw a huge resurgence. â€Å"Although there were many inequities in the New Deal housing, agricultural and economic programs, blacks had opportunities to obtain employment, some in areas previously closed to them.Black writers, for example, participated in the New Deal's writing projects, while other black Americans interviewed former slaves for the Works Project Administration (WPA)† 3. What was the NAACP role during the 1920s through the 1940s? NAACP’s anti-lynching campaign of the 1930s combined widespread publicity about the causes and costs of lynching, a successful drive to defeat Supreme Court nominee John J. Parker for his white supremacist and anti-union views and then defeat senators who voted for confirmation, and a skillful effort to lobby Congress and the Roosevelt administrat ion to pass a federal anti-lynching law.Southern senators filibustered, but they could not prevent the formation of a national consensus against lynching; by 1938 the number of lynching’s declined steeply. Through the 1930s and much of the 1940s, the NAACP initiated suits that dismantled aspects of the edifice of segregated education, each building on the precedent of the previous one. Not until the late 1940s did the NAACP believe it politically feasible to challenge directly the constitutionality of â€Å"separate but equal† education itself. . What did the â€Å"Scottsboro Boys† case illustrate about society? What role did racism play? The case of the Scottsboro Boys shows the deep seated, racist, white fear of the alleged black male rapist, in this case in the guise of youth. It showed the power of this fear to, override evidence and reason in the determination of guilt and innocence. The issue was neither guilt nor innocence; rather, it maintained white sup remacy and the repression of black freedom.Nevertheless, the concerted efforts to undo the wrongs against the Scottsboro Boys contributed significantly to the ongoing African-American struggle and the interrelated struggle to defeat Jim Crow 5. What was the role of the Communist Party during the 1920s and 1930s. Why did some blacks find communism appealing? How did the communists affect civil rights activism? During the 1930's, the Communist Party was heavily involved in the struggles of the people which arose during the Depression. Communists advocated for unemployment insurance, the right to organize, and for Social Security.The Communist Party attracted some blacks because it consistently renounced racism, worked on economic issues, and pursued legal equity and social justice for blacks. Ch 19 Questions 7. How did the Chicago Renaissance differ from the Harlem Renaissance? 8. How did African Americans create and employ popular culture to counteract negative stereotypes of black p eople? 9. How did music create a bridge between blacks and whites? 10. How did radio allow African Americans to get their music heard? 11. How did Hollywood films portray African American men and women during the 1930s and 1940s? 2. How did the images of African Americans in film and radio affect white attitudes and behavior toward blacks? 13. Why did black athletes become prominent during the 1930s and 1940s? 14. Explain what the Tuskegee Experiment was, who was responsible for the study, how did it reflect racism in America, and how did it then and now affect the attitudes of African Americans in regard to trusting the health care industry? You may need to review video clips on YouTube on this subject to gather information. Assessment

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Challenges of Electronic Records Management Program

Therefore, we design the system need to consider many issues when using the system, now we are going to discuss some cases and solutions about this topic. Email with attachments is the lower cost way to keep records. For example: order confirmation, quotation, invoice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc. Many small organizations may not have a faultless email filing plan, they just provide email account which is using POP3 to receive email from SMTP server, even they won’t keep any copy on server if make sure the mail already transmitted to user’s PC. User can print out the hard copy if they think it is a record or they can press delete button on any mail they think it is not useful. But this method have some issues need to beware, if user just pressed the wrong button on some mail, then this mail will not be found anymore. Because we have not any extra copy of this mail, so must be keep the copy on mail server for back up use, we can create destruction period of these extra mail copy, maybe three or six months, it is depends on different company practice. Also, we can provide staff training to teach end user how to operate and fully use email tools to storage email records. Back up schedule for email system also necessary. Some organizations will create shared drive at their work place’s PC network to store or share some centralized files to let multi users read, modify†¦.. etc. This is best way to let users to get the updated information. We need to concern the security and how to protect records consistency, before to create home group network, we need concern how to set up permission of individual user, permission means the user can read, modify, delete files or folder on the network. In general, server’s administrator is allowed to full control the files and folders on shared drive, we won’t allow â€Å"everyone† to full control shared drive’s folder and files. This can avoid someone to destroy any data on shared drive. Also, all data on shared drive need to do the route back up; this avoids the hardware shut down suddenly. Back up can do by manual, copy and paste to external drive, or upload to cloud storage space, or other storage media which can be archival easier. Some organizations need invested many sources and IT support to manage their electronic records management systems (ERMS). For example, hospital and bank, they need storage and process many confidential and private records by daily work. Also, these electronic records system also need link up database to make sure records keep consistency. ERMS can let user to track and store records easier and centralize all the records. User can use sort function to search the records what they need. ERMS can allow multi users to login database. Therefore, should need set up some retractions when design the program. For example, if a record was modifying, system will alert other user this is not updated record. Also, ERMS need keep maximum protection of system to protect any attack from hacker or viruses oppositely. Therefore, these ERMS should need IT support team to monitor the systems daily operation to maintenance systems are operated smoothly and provide urgent support when the system was shut down and solve the trouble issues immediately. Some organizations start to change their paper-based records to digital images. Scanner is the common and user friendly. Their output files can be PDF, TIF†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc. We need use software (Adobe reader or window defaulted software) to open related files. Normally all scan copy should need contain at lease 200 dpi to ensure the soft copy quality. Digital images record is most convenience way and lower cost way to let user search for records and keep long storage life, avoid data will affected by storage environment. But also need select storage media carefully. We need select storage media consider on records’ retention period and activity level. We suggest keeping same retention period record on same storage media, please don’t mix up different retention period records together. Also, if save the records on external storage media, CD-Rom or DVD, it’s need consider the records privacy level, don’t put the storage media to public place, it is easy to disclose the private data if the record is confidential. For confidential records, we suggest to store or archival records use password to meet the protect purpose. Up to now, store electronic records is seldom, many organizations were developing their own electronic record management system. In fact, build up the new system is so easy, but going to maintenance system is hard task. Organizations should be concern and set up some policy is suit for own company to follow. Moreover, disposition procedure of electronic records also very important. If organization decide to use electronic record management system, design workflow of handle electronic records is necessary. Also, staff training is good way to teach end user to use systems to match their daily work for seeking records. This is direct affect records are storage or use well. If electronic records were stored properly, it is totally save organization cost to keep paper-based records and increase staff efficiency. Therefore, build up the faultless system can bring organization many advantages for business, of course need follow above solutions to improve system. If organization can managed electronic records very well, it is bring some confidence to customer; it can earn some goodwill value for business. For the future, we believe paper-less business will be more popularize, that’s why well prepare electronic record management system is very valuable. This can bring organization much future contribution.