Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and leadership - Essay Example It is a well-known and understood fact that it takes the display of very fine management skills in order to be a good leader. Generally, good leaders are first good managers. Body One of the most fundamental differences between managers and leaders is their way of motivating the subordinates or followers. While the managers usually are risk averse in their approaches, leaders tend to take risks. Some traits that differentiate a manager from a leader are; managers prefer routine over change whereas leaders prefer the other way round; the vision of managers is short-term generally whereas leaders tend to have a long-term vision, leaders visualize things in a broad perspective whereas managers work upon details to make the plans of the leader practicable; finally, as the terms suggest, managers tend to manage whereas the work of a leader is to leader, though it takes sound management skills to be able to lead. The foundation on which leadership stands is the commitment and obedience of the followers. A leader cannot do without the help, support, and compliance of the followers. It takes management to get the followers in the position where they are ready to accept the leader as an individual with power and authority over them. Leadership without management is like trying to lead a herd of wild buffaloes. No matter how hard a leader tries, the wild buffaloes would get scattered and the man would not be able to lead them to their destination. Management essentially tames the workforce so that they get in the mood to listen to the leader and give him/her the due respect he/she deserves for being in the position of a leader. Management is about inculcating the sense of work ethics, respect for the principles of work, and a willingness to abide by them in the workplace in the workforce. These factors prepare a worker mentally and psychologically to be submissive to the leader for the matters related to work. In turn, the level of obedience of the subordinates is raised and this has a very healthy effect on the relationship between the leader and the subordinates. When managed rightly, workers know that they have to listen to the leader to be able to work toward attaining the goal as a group while keeping their personal egos aside. In this way, management essentially set the stage for a leader to perform on. Without that stage, the leader might be called as a leader but he/she might not be truly recognized as a leader, and without the recognition of a leader as such, leadership cannot be thought to be effective. The duties and responsibilities of a manager and a leader are to a large extent similar. While not every manager is a leader, every leader has to be a manager also. Although the individual with the utmost powers and the decision making authority in an organization is usually one or a small group of people who are recognized as leaders, yet down the line, every manager is a leader for the people working under him/her. For example, letâ€⠄¢s take the example of the manager of kitchen in an organization. While the manager of kitchen has to follow the menu set by the leader and use only the ingredients made available to him/her by the leader, the manager of kitchen necessarily serves as a leader for the cooks, the chefs, the purchasers, the kitchen cleaners, and other workers working in the kitchen. Management in this example means providing the workers with the resources and help they require to achieve the tasks assigned to them individually and collectively, supervising them so as to make sure they are actually working and not wasting time in gossip and other activities, making sure that the kitchen is cleaned regularly and that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Target Group Analysis for Marketing Report Essay

Target Group Analysis for Marketing Report - Essay Example It is JetNet Services' goal to enable their clients to a professional positioning in the Internet which is the main access to information and communication of nowadays and the future - together with providing all support necessary in case the client wishes to purchase optimally suited hard- and software. There are four business units, offering their services and products for four different purposes but having the same management and exchanging information within the company. The advantages of this for the client are short communication paths; one contact person who manages all the contacts in the company (i.e. A case manager) and a range of in-house services and products. Research suggests that the four units do not actually have separate targets. There are primarily two broad targets: Internet Unit and IT Support Unit; Graphic Unit and Multi-media Unit targets. These groups have enough overlap that they may be broadly looked at in a similar light. There is also a primary target for all four units as a package. The first section describes the Internet-Business Unit and IT Support Unit. However, there is some overlap of target markets for the other 3 business units (graphic design, multimedia, IT-Consulting). Two main target groups exist for the Internet and It_support Units. (Shurmer 1993, p. 240) Small and middle enterprises without their own marketing departments broadly comprise the first group. The two primary sub groups of this section are differentiated by the demographic information of their business leader. Young entrepreneurs heading start-up companies are the first of these leaders. The young entrepreneur is aged 20-35 years old, and is early on in his career. The second sub-group leader is an older entrepreneur, aged 36-55 years, with an established career, and a firmly entrenched company. (Igel 2001, p.159) Small and middle enterprises with their own in-house marketing and/or technical support departments make up the second broad group. Within this category, there are also two sub groups based on the demographic information of the decision maker. Here, the first target is the marketing manager: he is typically male and manages the entire marketing department. The second is the marketing assistant: most often female and reporting directly to the marketing manager. 2.1 Young startup entrepreneur The young entrepreneur is aged 25-35 and has just founded a company. He needs professional services for designing and implementing his company's website. A website is a must have for him because several start-up consultancies recommended creating a website as the first step in marketing a new business, followed by purchasing professional stationary and business cards for Corporate Design/ Corporate Identity purposes. The young entrepreneur grew up using the Web and he is competent in the technical skills involved in using the Internet for business and personal matters (i.e. knows how to browse the Internet, search Goggle, and send email) and he also is open to the technology and knows the marketing benefits that the Web offers (such as being a cheap marketing platform, up to date information, and reaching a wide audience). (Trondsen 1996, p.571) 2.1.1 Older entrepreneur The older entrepreneur

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The History Of The Digital Watermarking Techniques

The History Of The Digital Watermarking Techniques Abstract Digital watermarking techniques have been developed to protect the copyright of media signals. This study aims to provide a universal review and background about the watermarking definition, concept and the main contributions in this field. The study will start with a general view of digital data, the Internet and the products of these two, namely, the multimedia and the e-commerce. The study will presents an extensive and deep literature review of the field of digital watermarking and watermarking algorithms. Introduction Digital watermarking techniques have been developed to protect the copyright of media signals. Different watermarking schemes have been suggested for multimedia content (images, video and audio signal). This study aims to provide an extensive literature review of the multimedia copyright protection. It presents a universal review and background about the watermarking definition, concept and the main contributions in this field. Digital Intellectual Property Information is becoming widely available via global networks. These connected networks allow cross-references between databases. The advent of multimedia is allowing different applications to mix sound, images, and video and to interact with large amounts of information (e.g., in e-business, distance education, and human-machine interface). The industry is investing to deliver audio, image and video data in electronic form to customers, and broadcast television companies, major corporations and photo archives are converting their content from analogue to digital form. This movement from traditional content, such as paper documents, analogue recordings, to digital media is due to several advantages of digital media over the traditional media. Some of these advantages are: The quality of digital signals is higher than that of their corresponding analogue signals. Traditional assets degrade in quality as time passes. Analogue data require expensive systems to obtain high quality copies, whereas digital data can be easily copied without loss of fidelity. Digital data (audio, image and video signals) can be easily transmitted over networks, for example the Internet. A large amount of multimedia data is now available to users all over the world. This expansion will continue at an even greater rate with the widening availability of advanced multimedia services like electronic commerce, advertising, interactive TV, digital libraries, and a lot more. Exact copies of digital data can be easily made. This is very useful but it also creates problems for the owner of valuable digital data like precious digital images. Replicas of a given piece of digital data cannot be distinguished and their origin cannot be confirmed. It is impossible to determine which piece is the original and which is the copy. It is possible to hide some information within digital data in such a way that data modifications are undetectable for the human senses. Copyright Protection of Intellectual Property An important factor that slows down the growth of multimedia-networked services is that authors, publishers and providers of multimedia data are reluctant to allow the distribution of their documents in a networked environment. This is because the ease of reproducing digital data in their exact original form is likely to encourage copyright violation, data misappropriation and abuse. These are the problems of theft and distribution of intellectual property. Therefore, creators and distributors of digital data are actively seeking reliable solutions to the problems associated with copyright protection of multimedia data. Moreover, the future development of networked multimedia systems, in particular on open networks like the Internet, is conditioned by the development of efficient methods to protect data owners against unauthorized copying and redistribution of the material put on the network. This will guarantee that their rights are protected and their assets properly managed. Copyright protection of multimedia data has been accomplished by means of cryptography algorithms to provide control over data access and to make data unreadable to non-authorized users. However, encryption systems do not completely solve the problem, because once encryption is removed there is no more control on the dissemination of data. The concept of digital watermarking arose while trying to solve problems related to the copyright of intellectual property in digital media. It is used as a means to identify the owner or distributor of digital data. Watermarking is the process of encoding hidden copyright information since it is possible today to hide information messages within digital audio, video, images and texts, by taking into account the limitations of the human audio and visual systems. Digital Watermarking: What, Why, When and How? It seems that digital watermarking is a good way to protect intellectual property from illegal copying. It provides a means of embedding a message in a piece of digital data without destroying its value. Digital watermarking embeds a known message in a piece of digital data as a means of identifying the rightful owner of the data. These techniques can be used on many types of digital data including still imagery, movies, and music. What is Digital Watermarking? A digital watermark is a signal permanently embedded into digital data (audio, images, video, and text) that can be detected or extracted later by means of computing operations in order to make assertions about the data. The watermark is hidden in the host data in such a way that it is inseparable from the data and so that it is resistant to many operations not degrading the host document. Thus by means of watermarking, the work is still accessible but permanently marked. Digital watermarking techniques derive from steganography, which means covered writing (from the Greek words stegano or covered and graphos or to write). Steganography is the science of communicating information while hiding the existence of the communication. The goal of steganography is to hide an information message inside harmless messages in such a way that it is not possible even to detect that there is a secret message present. Both steganography and watermarking belong to a category of information hiding, but the objectives and conditions for the two techniques are just the opposite. In watermarking, for example, the important information is the external data (e.g., images, voices, etc.). The internal data (e.g., watermark) are additional data for protecting the external data and to prove ownership. In steganography, however, the external data (referred to as a vessel, container, or dummy data) are not very important. They are just a carrier of the important information. The internal data are the most important. On the other hand, watermarking is not like encryption. Watermarking does not restrict access to the data while encryption has the aim of making messages unintelligible to any unauthorized persons who might intercept them. Once encrypted data is decrypted, the media is no longer protected. A watermark is designed to permanently reside in the host data. If the ownership of a digital work is in question, the information can be extracted to completely characterize the owner. Digital watermarking is an enabling technology for e-commerce strategies: conditional and user-specific access to services and resources. Digital watermarking offers several advantages. The details of a good digital watermarking algorithm can be made public knowledge. Digital watermarking provides the owner of a piece of digital data the means to mark the data invisibly. The mark could be used to serialize a piece of data as it is sold or used as a method to mark a valuable image. For example, this marking allows an owner to safely post an image for viewing but legally provides an embedded copyright to prohibit others from posting the same image. Watermarks and attacks on watermarks are two sides of the same coin. The goal of both is to preserve the value of the digital data. However, the goal of a watermark is to be robust enough to resist attack but not at the expense of altering the value of the data being protected. On the other hand, the goal of the attack is to remove the water mark without destroying the value of the protected data. The contents of the image can be marked without visible loss of value or dependence on specific formats. For example a bitmap (BMP) image can be compressed to a JPEG image. The result is an image that requires less storage space but cannot be distinguished from the original. Generally, a JPEG compression level of 70% can be applied without humanly visible degradation. This property of digital images allows insertion of additional data in the image without altering the value of the image. The message is hidden in unused visual space in the image and stays below the human visible threshold for the image. When Did the Technique Originate? The idea of hiding data in another media is very old, as described in the case of steganography. Nevertheless, the term digital watermarking first appeared in 1993, when Tirkel et al. (1993) presented two techniques to hide data in images. These methods were based on modifications to the least significant bit (LSB) of the pixel values. How Can We Build an Effective Watermarking Algorithm? It is desired that watermarks survive image-processing manipulations such as rotation, scaling, image compression and image enhancement, for example. Taking advantage of the discrete wavelet transform properties and robust features extraction techniques are the new trends that are used in the recent digital image watermarking methods. Robustness against geometrical transformation is essential since image-publishing applications often apply some kind of geometrical transformations to the image, and thus, an intellectual property ownership protection system should not be affected by these changes. Visible vs. Invisible Watermarks Digital watermarking is divided into two main categories: visible and invisible. The idea behind the visible watermark is very simple. It is equivalent to stamping a watermark on paper, and for this reason its sometimes said to be digitally stamped. An example of visible watermarking is provided by television channels, like BBC, whose logo is visibly superimposed on the corner of the TV picture. Invisible watermarking, on the other hand, is a far more complex concept. It is most often used to identify copyright data, like author, distributor, and so forth. Though a lot of research has been done in the area of invisible watermarks, much less has been done for visible watermarks. Visible and invisible watermarks both serve to deter theft but they do so in very different ways. Visible watermarks are especially useful for conveying an immediate claim of ownership (Mintzer, Braudaway Yeung, 1997). Their main advantage, in principle at least, is the virtual elimination of the commercial value of a document to a would-be thief, without lessening the documents utility for legitimate, authorized purposes. Invisible watermarks, on the other hand, are more of an aid in catching a thief than for discouraging theft in the first place (Mintzer et al., 1997; Swanson et al., 1998). Watermarking Classification There are different classifications of invisible watermarking algorithms. The reason behind this is the enormous diversity of watermarking schemes. Watermarking approaches can be distinguished in terms of watermarking host signal (still images, video signal, audio signal, integrated circuit design), and the availability of original signal during extraction (non-blind, semi-blind, blind). Also, they can be categorized based on the domain used for watermarking embedding process, as shown in Figure 1. The watermarking application is considered one of the criteria for watermarking classification. Figure 2 shows the subcategories based on watermarking applications. Figure 1: Classification of watermarking algorithms based on domain used for the watermarking embedding process Figure 2: Classification of watermarking technology based on applications Digital Watermarking Algorithms Current watermarking techniques described in the literature can be grouped into three main classes. The first includes the transform domain methods, which embed the data by modulating the transform domain signal coefficients. The second class includes the spatial domain techniques. These embed the watermark by directly modifying the pixel values of the original image. The transform domain techniques have been found to have the greater robustness, when the watermarked signals are tested after having been subjected to common signal distortions. The third class is the feature domain technique. This technique takes into account region, boundary and object characteristics. Such watermarking methods may present additional advantages in terms of detection and recovery from geometric attacks, compared to previous approaches. The algorithms in this study are organized according to their embedding domain, as indicated in Figure 1. These are grouped into: Spatial domain techniques Transform domain techniques Feature domain techniques However, due to the amount of published work in the field of watermarking technology, the main focus will be on wavelet-based watermarking technique papers. The wavelet domain is the most efficient domain for watermarking embedding so far. However, the review considers some other techniques, which serve the purpose of giving a broader picture of the existing watermarking algorithms. Some examples of spatial domain and fractal-based techniques will be reviewed. Spatial Domain Techniques This section gives a brief introduction to the spatial domain technique to gives some background information about watermarking in this domain. Many spatial techniques are based on adding fixed amplitude pseudo noise (PN) sequences to an image. PN sequences are used as the spreading key when considering the host media as the noise in a spread spectrum system, where the watermark is the transmitted message. In this case, the PN sequence is used to spread the data bits over the spectrum to hide the data. Transform Domain Techniques Many transform-based watermarking techniques have been proposed. To embed a watermark, a transformation is first applied to the host data, and then modifications are made to the transform coefficients. In this section, the state of the art of the current watermarking algorithms using the transform domain is presented. The section has three main parts, including discussions of waveletbased watermarking, DCT-based watermarking and fractal domain watermarking. Digital Watermarking Using Wavelet Decomposition This algorithm can easily be built into video watermarking applications based on a 3-D wavelet transform due to its simple structure. The hierarchical nature of the wavelet representation allows multi-resolutional detection of the digital watermark, which is a Gaussian distributed random vector added to all the high pass bands in the wavelet domain. Discrete Cosine Transform-Based Digital Watermarking Several watermarking algorithms have been proposed to utilize the DCT. However, the Cox et al. (1995, 1997) and the Koch and Zhao (1995) algorithms are the most well-known DCT-based algorithms. Cox et al. (1995) proposed the most well-known spread spectrum watermarking schemes. Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the Cox algorithm. The image is first subjected to a global DCT. Then, the 1,000 largest coefficients in the DCT domain are selected for watermarking. They used a Gaussian sequence of pseudo-random real numbers of length 1,000 as a watermark. This approach achieves good robustness against compression and other common signal processing attacks. This is a result of the selection of perceptually significant transform domain coefficients. However, the algorithm is in a weak position against the invariability attack proposed by Craver (1997). Also, the global DCT employed on the image is computationally expensive. Fractal Transform-Based Digital Watermarking Though a lot of work has been done in the area of invisible watermarks using the DCT and the wavelet-based methods, relatively few references exist for invisible watermarks based on the fractal transform. The reason for this might be the computational expense of the fractal transform. In fractal analysis, similar patterns are identified in an image and only a limited amount of binary code can be embedded using this method. Since fractal analysis is computationally expensive and some images do not have many large self-similar patterns, the techniques may not be suitable for general use. Feature Domain Techniques (Second Generation Watermarking) First generation watermarking (1GW) methods have been mainly focused on applying the watermarking on the entire image/video domain. However, this approach is not compatible with novel approaches for still image and video compression. JPEG2000 and MPEG4/7 standards are the new techniques for image and video compression. They are region or object-based, as can be seen in the compression process. Also, the 1GW algorithms proposed so far do not satisfy the watermarking requirements. Second generation watermarking (2GW) was developed in order to increase the robustness and invisibility and to overcome the weaknesses of 1GW. The 2GW methods take into account region, boundary and object characteristics and give additional advantages in terms of detection and recovery from geometric attacks compared to first generation methods. Exploiting salient region or object features and characteristics of the image achieve this. Also, 2GW methods may be designed so that selective robustness to different classes of attacks is obtained. As a result, watermark flexibility will be improved considerably. Digital Watermarking and Image Processing Attacks Digital watermarking was claimed to be the ultimate solution for copyright protection over the Internet when the concept of digital watermarking was first presented. However, some problems related to robustness and security of watermarking algorithms to intentional or unintentional attacks still remain unsolved. These problems must be solved before digital watermarking can be claimed to be the ultimate solution for copyright ownership protection in digital media. One of these problems is the effect of geometrical transformations such as rotation, translation and scaling on the recovery of the watermark. Another is the security of the watermarking algorithm when intentional attackers make use of knowledge of the watermarking algorithm to destroy or remove the watermark. Watermarking Standardization Issue The most important question about watermarking technology is whether watermarking will be standardized and used in the near future. There are several movements to standardize watermarking technology, but no one standard has prevailed at this moment in time. Some researchers have been working to develop a standardized framework for protecting digital images and other multimedia content through technology built into media files and corresponding application software. However, they have lacked a clear vision of what the framework should be or how it would be used. In addition, there was a discussion about how and whether watermarking should form part of the standard during the standardization process of JPEG2000. The requirements regarding security have been identified in the framework of JPEG2000. However, there has been neither in-depth clarification nor a harmonized effort to address watermarking issues. It is important to deduce what really needs to be standardized for including the watermarking concept in JPEG2000 and to what extent. The initial drafts of the JPEG2000 standard did not mention the issue of watermarking. However, there is a plan to examine how watermarking might be best applied within JPEG2000. The features of a given watermarking scheme are likely to offer designers an opportunity to integrate watermarking technology into JPEG2000 for different application such as distributing images on the Internet. Also, standardization of digital watermarking will influence the progress in imaging standards of JPEG2000 where the data se curity will be part of this standard. Therefore, the likelihood is that watermarking technology will be used in conjunction with JPEG2000 (Clark, 2000). Future Highlights Nevertheless, the future seems bright for digital watermarking. Many companies have already been active in digital watermarking research. For example, Microsoft has developed a prototype system that limits unauthorized playback of music by embedding a watermark that remains permanently attached to audio files. Such technology could be included as a default playback mechanism in future versions of the Windows operating system. If the music industry begins to include watermarks in its song files, Windows would refuse to play copyrighted music released after a certain date that was obtained illegally. Also, Microsoft Research has also invented a separate watermarking system that relies on graph theory to hide watermarks in software. Normally the security technology is hack able. However, if the technology is combined with proper legal enforcement, industry standards and respects of the privacy of individuals seeking to legitimately use intellectual property, digital watermarking will en courage content creators to trust the Internet more. There is a tremendous amount of money at stake for many firms. The value of illegal copies of multimedia content distributed over the Internet could reach billions of dollars a year. It will be interesting to see how the development and adoption of digital watermarking plays out. With such high stakes involved for entertainment and other multimedia companies, they are likely to keep pushing for (and be willing to pay for) a secure technology that they can use to track and reduce copyright violation and capture some of their foregone revenues. Finally, it is expected that a great deal of effort must still be put into research before digital image watermarking can be widely accepted as legal evidence of ownership. Conclusion This study was started with a general view of digital data, the Internet and the products of these two, namely, multimedia and e-commerce. It provided some initial background and history of digital watermarking. This study gave an extensive and deep literature review of the field of digital watermarking. The concept of digital watermarking and the requirements of digital watermarking were discussed and digital watermarking algorithms were reviewed. They were grouped into three main collections based on the embedding domain, that is, spatial domain techniques, transform domain techniques or feature domain techniques. The algorithm of the frequency domain were further subdivided into wavelet, DCT and fractal transform techniques. Finally, the future perspective of digital watermarking was highlighted.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hamlet: Emotions of Despair, Sadness, Anger, and Inner Peace :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: Emotions of Despair, Sadness, Anger, and Inner Peace The character of Prince Hamlet, in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," displays many strong yet justified emotions. For instance, in Hamlet's "To be Or Not To Be" soliloquy, perhaps one of the most well known quotes in the English language, Hamlet actually debates suicide. His despair, sorrow, anger and inner peace are all justifiable emotions for this troubled character. Hamlet's feeling of despair towards his life and to the world develops as the play moves on. In Hamlet's first soliloquy he reveals that his despair has driven him to thoughts of suicide; "How weary (horrible) †¦ His law 'gainst self slaughter." Likewise, when Hamlet talks to his friends, Rosenerantz and Guildenstern in Act 2 scene 2, Hamlet wishes they tell the King and Queen that he has "lost all mirth," in this world so "foul and pestilent." In his "To be or not to be" soliloquy, he expresses his despair through thoughts of suicide, suggesting that suicide is an easy way to end life's conflicts. But luckily he concludes that the fear of an unknown afterlife is what keeps us living. All of Hamlet's thoughts of despair can be understood when one looks at the horrible conflicts Hamlet goes through. Sorrow, perhaps the most evident emotion, is very well developed throughout the play. Initially, the only cause of Hamlet's sorrow is his father's death. However, after reading Act 1, scene 2, we see in Hamlet's asides that another source of his melancholy is his mother's hasty marriage to Claudius, the new king of Denmark. Further, when Queen Gertrude asks her son why his father's death "seems" so important, he replies, "Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not 'seems'." In addition, Shakespeare reveals another source of sadness; now Hamlet is alone, with the most loved character in his life, Ophelia, rejecting him. This cause is well brought out in Hamlet's soliloquy in which he states; "Now I am alone. O, what a rouge and peasant slave am I!" Finally, when Hamlet discovers that Ophelia has died, new reasons for Hamlet's extreme feelings of sorrow are added. In fact, his sorrow is so great that "Forty thousand brothers/Could not (with all their quantity of love) Make up my sum." Thus, Hamlet's well developed sadness, is reasonable throughout the play. Unfortunately, Hamlet's thoughts of mourning are replaced by those of anger. Most readers of Hamlet agree, to some extent or another, that Hamlet is well justified in expressing anger. Perhaps the first incident of Hamlet's true expression of anger is during his scene with the ghost in Act

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Basic assumptions of Economics Essay

Economists have generally looked for some’ fundamental assumption† about human behavior from which most of the principles of economics can be ultimately deduced. Every decision-maker in an economic system-whether he is a consumer or producer, whether it is a house hold or a firm- is assumed to have in a rational manner and go in for maximum gain. Economic rationality presupposes that every person knows his interest and selects that course of action, which promises him the greatest amount of satisfaction. The economists have, generally assumed that human beings are rational and that they are influenced by the ‘maximization principle’. For example, every consumer is said to maximize his satisfaction with a given amount of expenditure, every producer maximizes his output and minimizes his cost; every seller minimizes his profit, as so on. But rationality and maximization principles are based on the further assumption of perfect knowledge. Every rational consumer, for example, knows the different possible alternatives open to him and will choose that alternative that promises maximum satisfaction. However, rationality is conditioned and influenced by habits and social customs. Habits acquired over a number of years influence the consumers in the choice of goods. Likewise, social customs influence guide and modify economic behavior of individuals. The assumption of economic rationality does not carry any moral or ethical implication. Rationality implies that in a period of acute shortage, producers and distributors would raise the price and secure higher profit margins. Such a behavior may be condemned from the social point of view, but economically it is justified. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between individual rationality and social rationality. An individual entrepreneur may like to set up his workshop in or around Bombay as he can get his inputs easily and dispose of his output profitably; rational behavior indicates that he set up his factory in Bombay. But from the social point of view, this may not be rational and proper. For, Bombay is already overcrowded with a high density of population. Besides, there areso many backward areas, which need industrialization. From the social point of view it would have been better that the new factory is set up away from Bombay. There is thus a possibility of clash between individual rationality and social rationality. Rationality and Concept of Equilibrium From economic rationality, the economist passes on to the concept of â€Å"Equilibrium† which stands for a position of rest, a position of rest, a position of no change or a position of maximum gain. A rational consumer is said to be in equilibrium when he spends his limited income on different items in such a way that he secures maximum satisfaction. A producer is said to reach equilibrium position when he with given technology and resources, produces maximum output at minimum cost. Likewise, a firm selling a product is said to be in equilibrium when it gets maximum profit. The economists assume that the economy has a natural tendency to reach equilibrium. Capitalist Economy Economic analysis, especially microeconomics, dealing with price theory has been developed in the context of a developed capitalist economy. Such an economy assumes the existence of private property, freedom of enterprise, profit motive, private initiative, perfect competition and absence of government interference. The existence of free market conditions with free demand and supply is a necessary feature of a capitalist system. These conditions may not be present in any other economic systems, particularly in back ward and developing economies. Hence the conclusion and policy formulations applicable in the context of developed capitalist economies cannot be applied to developing and under developed economies, or they will have to be suitably modified. Static Economy Economics studies, the problem of allocation of limited resources as between different goods and services on the assumption that the technology and resources are given in an economy. The economy is producing maximum amount  of national income with the given technology and resources. In other words, economics study a static economy with a given system of want, resources and technology. Naturally, the conditions and policy formulations derived from static economy will have to be changed for a dynamic economy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The concept of challenging authority Essay

The construct of disputing authorization is one that is popularly portrayed in modern-day literature. Challenging authorization defines a person’s rebelliousness against the set regulations and commands of a certain power. Ambitious authorization can impact an single adversely by devolving them. or positively by helping them in happening their topographic point in the universe. Challenging authorization itself is filled with determination devising and important alterations. The construct of disputing authorization is explored in the two texts: Dead Poets Society ( 1898 ) a movie directed by Peter Weir and Raw ( 1998 ) . a fresh written by Scott Monk. Both texts affect an person or group who challenge the authorization of a certain power. The composers of these texts utilise movie and literary techniques to broaden the audience’s apprehension of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization Teachs of import lessons. Following an individual’s challenge to authorization. he/she may larn from their errors. This subject is reflected through the concluding chapter of the fresh Raw. when Brett Dalton walks off from the battle with Caitlyn’s male parent. This indicates that Dalton. by his initial challenge of authorization. has assimilated that force is non the reply: â€Å"He’d lost one battle but won another. † Monk’s usage of third-person omniscient develops the reader’s apprehension of how ambitious authorization can educate an individual’s polar lessons by leting them to see how others feels. In the epilogue of the novel. Dalton admits that to many past wrongs. turn outing that disputing authorization does so educate persons. Challenging authorization frequently opens the possibility of the devolution of the individual/group. An single found conflicting the regulations of a higher power is punished. in bend physically and/or mentally harming the person. In Dead Poets Society. this is apparent in the scene of Neil’s decease. Neil challenged the authorization of his male parent by prosecuting his dream of moving. and because of this. had his freedom stripped. climaxing in his self-destruction. In the concluding minutes of Neil’s life. Weir uses many utilizations dark illuming and non-diegetic sound to raise a cliff-hanging and eerie atmosphere. This creates an emotional connexion between the movie and the spectator. further developing their apprehension of the construct of disputing authorization. Challenging authorization can nevertheless positively impact an person by assisting them detect their topographic point in the universe. This is seen in the concluding scene of Dead Poets Society. where Todd Anderson backs up Keating. By disputing the authorization of Welton and going a member of the Dead Poets Society. Anderson displays his true colors. being the first to toast Keating. In this scene. Weir utilises low-angle shootings on Anderson. stand foring him as a important and powerful being. a apposition to his weakness in the beginning of the movie. Furthermore. a collage of the student’s determined faces was included to show how ambitious authorization has besides helped them turn as persons. These techniques further emphasised the passages of the characters through ambitious authorization. Ultimately. disputing authorization affects an person in both positive and negative facets. These impacts have been demonstrated through the Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society. and Scott Monk’s Raw. The composer’s usage of movie and literary techniques assist in conveying their thoughts by puting the temper and adding context. The protagonist’s challenges and alterations reflect the importance and necessity of disputing authorization.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Hobbes Vs. Locke

â€Å"And in him consisteth the essence of the commonwealth, which (to define it) is one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their peace and common defense† (pg.109). What is a state of peace and harmony? Does it exist? People have been asking these questions for centuries, yet the answers still remain a mystery. Thomas Hobbs, however, believed in the possibility of such paradise on Earth. In his book, Leviathan, Hobbs conveys theory of achieving commodious living by creating a structure based on social contract and laws of nature. Hobbs argues that the only way to achieve true commonwealth is by establishing an absolute sovereignty. In this essay I will examine reasons why totalitarian power is not necessary, and in a certain extend threatening to maintain the laws of nature. Hobbs claims that in the state of nature human being would live in a state of war. All human beings are created the same, physically and psychologically: we have same capacity to learn from our experience and gain prudence and wisdom, as well as to kill each other. We have senses and passions, which overcome our reason, therefore when we develop same goals we become competitors to each other, therefore- enemies. Since by the law of nature we can do anything according to our judgment and reason, we will try to overcome or destroy each other. When people become competitors, it is, therefore, in their nature to seek to eliminate their enemy, using â€Å"all means we can to defend ourselves†(p.80). Consequently, even if we attain all that we need, we will always assume conflict, either in means of defending our lives from an enemy or in order to get rid of prospective danger of doing so. Therefore, we strive for peace. Hobbs draws inevitable laws of nature: to seek peace, pr... Free Essays on Hobbes Vs. Locke Free Essays on Hobbes Vs. Locke â€Å"And in him consisteth the essence of the commonwealth, which (to define it) is one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their peace and common defense† (pg.109). What is a state of peace and harmony? Does it exist? People have been asking these questions for centuries, yet the answers still remain a mystery. Thomas Hobbs, however, believed in the possibility of such paradise on Earth. In his book, Leviathan, Hobbs conveys theory of achieving commodious living by creating a structure based on social contract and laws of nature. Hobbs argues that the only way to achieve true commonwealth is by establishing an absolute sovereignty. In this essay I will examine reasons why totalitarian power is not necessary, and in a certain extend threatening to maintain the laws of nature. Hobbs claims that in the state of nature human being would live in a state of war. All human beings are created the same, physically and psychologically: we have same capacity to learn from our experience and gain prudence and wisdom, as well as to kill each other. We have senses and passions, which overcome our reason, therefore when we develop same goals we become competitors to each other, therefore- enemies. Since by the law of nature we can do anything according to our judgment and reason, we will try to overcome or destroy each other. When people become competitors, it is, therefore, in their nature to seek to eliminate their enemy, using â€Å"all means we can to defend ourselves†(p.80). Consequently, even if we attain all that we need, we will always assume conflict, either in means of defending our lives from an enemy or in order to get rid of prospective danger of doing so. Therefore, we strive for peace. Hobbs draws inevitable laws of nature: to seek peace, pr...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essays (201 words) - Fahrenheit 451, Free Essays

Fahrenheit 451 Essays (201 words) - Fahrenheit 451, Free Essays Lauren Sladic 2nd hour Henderhan March 4, 2015 In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, Montag begins to challenge conformity and question his society. Bradbury begins the story by showing Montags energy towards his jobs of burning down houses that contain books: Later, going to sleep, he would feel the fiery smile still gripped by his face muscles, in the dark. It never went away, that smile (Bradbury 2). His declarations of detail strongly grab the attention of the readers, by implicitly writing about how Montag follows the societys conformity. Montag then later shows how he is questioning his society, after meeting a young girl named Clarisse. Clarisse does not follow the societys conformity and she passes the influence to Montag, making him challenge conformity and question his society. As they further grow a friend ship, Clarisse asks Montag a question about how many children he and his wife would like to have. He then replied with Well I dont really know (Bradbury 26). After that he begins to realize how much of a stinger his wife is to him, and how anti-social his whole society is. Just as Montag begins to somewhat question his society, he finds many more flaws in his world.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Effective Assistance with CV Writing from Career Help Service

Effective Assistance with CV Writing from Career Help Service How to Write a Curriculum Vitae? When a graduate is intending to start a professional career curriculum vitae (CV) is the first thing he/she needs to work on. In situations when you have no prior work experience, your resume is what presents you to the employer and sells you. In contrast, for those, who already have working experience CV is the best way to present themselves to the potential employer  and show their experience and qualifications. Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume You should also understand and know basic differences between a CV and a resume: 1. The biggest difference between them is size. Curriculum Vitae (CV) is generally longer than the resume; as a rule, it consists of several pages, while a resume rarely takes more than one or two pages. 2. The second point where CV and resume differ is content. A resume is a brief summary of your skills, experience, and education. CV provides an employer with more detailed information about you, including past work experience. 3. And the last main difference is their purpose: a CV contains a summary of your education and academic achievements, publications, awards, honors and many other details describing your entire life path. Resume describes what kind of person you are and what skills you have. Curriculum Vitae Writing Here are the main structural elements that need to be included into your CV: Contacts Biography (in brief) Education: Undergraduate, Graduate, Study abroad   Scientific works (Dissertations, Publications, Research etc) Employment   Awards and honors Grants, fellowships, and assistantships Skills: Technical, computer, and language Professional licenses and certifications Memberships Read also:  Critical Success Factors (CSF) Analysis 7 Tips for Creating a Compelling Curriculum Vitae It is strongly recommended to look for some concrete examples of CV or curriculum vitae template before writing your own. You may also find the following tips helpful when creating your CV. You will easily create a successful CV if follow the easy tips: Make a plan and stick to it.  There is no concrete example to write a CV, but there are certain sections you should cover, like those mentioned above. Present it carefully.  A clearly presented CV will do the job for you, and for this reason, the form is very important. Print your CV on crisp white paper, provide clear information and give it proper structure. The hotspot of your CV is the upper third of the first page, and if you put the most important information there, your CV will tell your story. No longer than two pages.  You dont need to write a novel about yourself, be prompt, clear and concise. Employers read many CVs on a daily basis and you need to do your best to convey all the info about yourself in just a few sentences. Make your CV suitable for job description.  When you read about the opening, you will see that the description already contains information of what your employer is interested in. Therefore, if you write your CV with this those requirements in mind, you will have a 100% to get that job. If you do not have some of the required skills, fill in the blanks by the skills you do have or simply mention that you are willing to learn and open to new information. There is no generic CV template that is suitable for all the vacancies, so you will need to tailor your CV to each position you are applying for. It doesnt mean you need to change everything, just change the most critical detail and make sure your CV is relevant to the job description. Mention your best skills.  Besides the skills required by your employer, try to mention those which make you to stand out from the crowd, for instance: communication skills; interpersonal skills; teamwork; problem-solving or even speaking a foreign language. Even if you are good at sports, you can mention it, because it may be important for your employee. Show your interest in work.  Employers obviously look for responsible, persistent and hard-working employees and that’s why it is necessary to mention that you have relevant work experience and you are ready to take initiative and assume responsibility for results. We recommend not to mention passive interests like watching TV, internet surfing etc that can be perceived as your lacking social skills. Show more of your personality. Keep your CV updated.  Dont use the same CV all the time; write down new skills and experience, even if it was volunteering. Many employers will be impressed with your wish to gain certain experience without money. That will show your initiative also. A matter of your CV getting reviewed and approved and your subsequent employment may, of course, be a matter of chance (or even a matter of HR managers mood). Therefore even an impeccably written CV might not work for you. It is evident you need to do your best when writing your resume or CV and the best way to do that is to follow the recommendations which are taken from peoples experience. As a final tip – be persistent when sending out job applications. Experience often shows that out of the 10 applications you sent, 5 will get reviewed and 1-2 will get you to the interview phase. Never give up and you will get the job of your dream. as a CV writing company will be happy to assist you with writing your Curriculum Vitae and sharpen it to reach your employment goal. All you need is provide general information about yourself, mentioning your education, skills and past experiences and our writing expert will weave it into a nicely done curriculum vitae that will impress your future boss! Order your CV now and   will be happy to provide you with unparalleled academic service.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family violence because Alcohol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family violence because Alcohol - Essay Example Although scientifically it can be proven that alcohol abuse directly causes violence, aggressors have, in some cases, used their drug and alcohol abuse as a scapegoat to cause ferocities in their homestead with different motives. The justification of violence as caused by alcohol still revolves around the claim that alcohol, in one way or the other, causes family violence. It is also both logical and sound to say that family violence may cause alcohol abuse. It is, therefore, the cause-effect cycle that spins around family life. Alcohol directly causes family violence. According to the behaviorist perspective, alcohol abuse is an act that is learnt just the same way an individual acquires the skills of riding a bicycle. The environment in which a person is socialized influences an individual into acquiring certain behaviors that can turn out to be accepted or rejected socially. In many societies, drinking of alcohol is not abhorred but getting irresponsible after the drinks is. The outcome of alcohol abuse is what makes alcohol depraved. As a matter of fact, aggression and violence are some of the salient behaviors that persons exhibit whenever they are drunk. McMurran (2013) argues that alcohol may not, sometimes, be a direct cause of violence in families but it creates volatile conditions that make violence becomes inevitable. One way this is possible is the financial burden that comes with alcohol drinking. In many countries, there have been changes in policies that regulate alcohol drinking, perhaps, with the aim of reducing its consumption. T he strategy has been implemented through hiking the taxes that are imposed on alcoholic products. It then trickles down to the consumer who has to pay high amounts of money so they may get their beloved drinks. Since addicted alcoholics have to take their sips every day, they are forced to either

Friday, October 18, 2019

What Is An Entrepreneurship All about, How to Be a Leader Assignment

What Is An Entrepreneurship All about, How to Be a Leader - Assignment Example Entrepreneurial implies that an individual must display the ideal knowledge to operate a company. In my case, I have displayed a tendency to make strategic decision. For instance, I use my time to study efficiently, which involves subdividing my time in order to understand how to allocate equal time to the subjects I took. During my time in the university, I did some community work managing the community center. During my time as an operations manager, I managed to ensure my subordinates worked efficiently, which meant subdividing the workload between the subordinates. Another important factor during my time in the community center was being prompt to work in order to create a work schedule which would ensure all the work for the day was accomplished. In some cases, I had to pitch in on the tasks in order to cover for workers who may were unwell to report for work (Kleiman, 2010). Such factors were important in order to ensure that the community center operated efficiently; hence, de monstrating my entrepreneurial qualities. In terms of being entrepreneurial, I will be able to make decisions promptly, which will not put the company in jeopardy. I am an efficient worker, which ensures that I am very reliable in relation to accomplishing tasks quickly and with the expected quality and high standard of the company (Kotter, 2002). I can operate independently without the need for supervision, which is a quality that entrepreneurs possess. This means that I can work independently, but not in a manner that suggests I cannot work in a team. Another aspect of my character is my ability to coordinate individuals.

Communication in Human Behaviors and the Structures of Society Research Paper

Communication in Human Behaviors and the Structures of Society - Research Paper Example Developing interpersonal communication skills are vitally important in today’s business environment (Taylor, 2005). Even though if an individual is working in any area and contributing in the workplace, he/she will need to communicate effectively with their top management i.e. boss as well as customers. Almost all kinds of work, activities and functions of any organization require communication and interaction among their colleagues and employees. Some people communicate with their colleagues for their benefit as well as to get success at their job (Greene, 2003). When we communicate, we don't actually exchange ideas, we exchange symbols that stand for ideas. Words are just symbols that do not have basic or inherent meaning; we simply use them in certain ways to convey an idea or give it a meaning. Communication and symbols will be delivered in words and language. Our social and cultural environment also affects communication because every culture has its own language and its own way to convey or deliver messages (Streissguth, 1997). Interpersonal communication skills would be largely dependant on cultural background and unique histories. There is a reality that when two people meet each other after a long time chances will be that, they are less effective at communicating with each other than they did before. Interpersonal communication is impossible to avoid in any condition (Baxter, 2008). When we are not communicating .i.e. when we are silent towards the other person that means we are still communicating in silence.

Obesrvation of baskball game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Obesrvation of baskball game - Essay Example Niels Giffey Defensive Rebound. Foul on Kenny Kaminski. DeAndre Daniels made Free Throw. DeAndre Daniels missed Free Throw. Adreian Payne Defensive Rebound. Adreian Payne missed Jumper. Niels Giffey Defensive Rebound. Ryan Boatright missed Three Point Jumper. Gary Harris made Layup. Assisted by Keith (Bonesteel, 2014). Appling. Phillip Nolan Offensive Rebound. Connecticut Turnover at the official time out. Branden Dawson missed Jumper. Niels Giffey made Jumper. Assisted by Shabazz Napier. Denzel Valentine made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Matt Costello then the first half ended .The second half; Jump Ball won by Connecticut. Foul on Keith Appling. Shabazz Napier missed Three Point Jumper. Gary Harris made Jumper. Adreian Payne made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Gary Harris. Adreian Payne made Jumper. Assisted by Denzel Valentine before Connecticut’s time out. Shabazz Napier made Three Point Jumper. Phillip Nolan made Layup. Assisted by Ryan Boatright. After Michigan’s time out Ryan Boatright made Three Point Jumper. Assisted by Phillip Nolan and the game ended (Bonesteel,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare and contrast between the structure of Thailand's Government Research Paper

Compare and contrast between the structure of Thailand's Government and US's - Research Paper Example â€Å"Thailand is governed by a system of centralization†, (Royal Thai Consulate, 2002) and they hold their Constitution as the highest law of the land. The Thai Government is broken down into three main components, which are legislative, Judicial and Executive powers. The Legislative power is devoted to the Parliament, and it works through a divided National Assembly that consists of their House of Representatives and the Senate. The people of Thailand elect the National Assembly. The Parliament has to approve all of the legislation that the House of Representatives and the Senate wants to pass. If they get Parliamentary approval, then the Parliament takes it to the King who has to sign it before it can become law (Chaninat & Leeds, 2011). Thailand’s Judicial Power works through the Court of Law with three different levels, which are: the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. The Court of First Instance deals with juvenile and family issu es, but they have the authority to try criminal cases as well which are in the general courts, which are: Civil, Criminal, Provincial and Kwaeng Courts. Civil Courts are for property issues; Criminal Courts are for people that have been arrested for a crime they may have committed; Provincial Courts are for all general civil and criminal problems that happen in their own province, and; Kwaeng Courts are for special criminal cases. The Court of Appeal handles all of the appeals cases that come before them against a judgment that has already been made in the Civil and Criminal Courts. The Supreme Court is the last court of appeal for all of the law cases in the entire Kingdom (The Judiciary of Thailand, 2011). Finally, Thailand’s Executive power works through the Cabinet, which the Prime Minister controls. The Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers, which control 15 different ministries. Those ministries are: Office of the Prime Minister Ministry of Finance Ministry of Forei gn Affairs Ministry of Defense Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives Ministry of Education Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Public Health Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Ministry of University Affairs Ministry of Justice Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Ministry of Industry Ministry of the Interior This entire system is kept in the middle of Thailand, but it is divided into different regional and provincial governments. Bangkok has its own administrative people and elects its own governor. The other provinces of Thailand have their governors appointed for them (The Judiciary of Thailand, 2011). The United States of America is a democratic type of government, currently headed by President Barack Obama, who has the highest political power of the people of the United States. They have one Constitution, and The President has a second in command to him, which is the Vice President of the United States. There are three branc hes of the U.S. government, which carry out their own functions and have their own powers. The three branches are Legislative, Judicial and Executive. The Legislative branch of the U.S. government is the part of the law that makes up the Senate, the House of Representatives and other people that support the Congress. If the Senate and the Congress want a bill passed, they have to have it signed by the President once they have approved

Analytital ( compare northwest airlines and jet blue with american Essay

Analytital ( compare northwest airlines and jet blue with american airlines - Essay Example Additionally, it maintains focus city operations at Indianapolis International Airport and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. As of 2006 Northwest was the worlds sixth largest airline in terms of domestic and international scheduled passenger miles flown and the U.S.s sixth largest airline in terms of domestic passenger miles flown. In addition to operating one of the largest domestic route networks in the U.S., Northwest carries more passengers across the Pacific Ocean (5.1 million in 2004) than any other U.S. carrier, and carries more domestic air cargo than any other American passenger airline. Northwest Airlines regional flights are operated under the name Northwest Air link by Mesaba Airlines, Pinnacle Airlines, and Compass Airlines. Northwest Airlines is currently a minority owner of Midwest Airlines, holding a 40% stake in the company. Its frequent flyer program is called World Perks. Northwest Airlines tagline is "Now youre flying smart." On April 14, 2008, Northwest annou nced it will be merging with Delta Air Lines, subject to regulatory review. If approved, the new airline will retain only the Delta Air Lines name and brand, and become the largest airline in the world. Northwest Airlines was founded on September 1, 1926 by Colonel Lewis Brittin, under the name Northwest Airways. Like other early airlines, Northwests focus was not in hauling passengers, but in flying mail for the U.S. Post Office Department. The fledgling airline established a mail route between Minneapolis and Chicago. Northwest began flying passengers in 1927. In 1928, the airline started its first international route with service to Winnipeg, Canada. The airlines operations were expanded to smaller cities in the region by the end of the decade. In 1931 Northwest sponsored Charles and Anne Lindbergh on a pioneering flight to Japan, scouting what would become known as the Northwest Airlines Great Circle route, and proving that flying through Alaska could save as

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare and contrast between the structure of Thailand's Government Research Paper

Compare and contrast between the structure of Thailand's Government and US's - Research Paper Example â€Å"Thailand is governed by a system of centralization†, (Royal Thai Consulate, 2002) and they hold their Constitution as the highest law of the land. The Thai Government is broken down into three main components, which are legislative, Judicial and Executive powers. The Legislative power is devoted to the Parliament, and it works through a divided National Assembly that consists of their House of Representatives and the Senate. The people of Thailand elect the National Assembly. The Parliament has to approve all of the legislation that the House of Representatives and the Senate wants to pass. If they get Parliamentary approval, then the Parliament takes it to the King who has to sign it before it can become law (Chaninat & Leeds, 2011). Thailand’s Judicial Power works through the Court of Law with three different levels, which are: the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. The Court of First Instance deals with juvenile and family issu es, but they have the authority to try criminal cases as well which are in the general courts, which are: Civil, Criminal, Provincial and Kwaeng Courts. Civil Courts are for property issues; Criminal Courts are for people that have been arrested for a crime they may have committed; Provincial Courts are for all general civil and criminal problems that happen in their own province, and; Kwaeng Courts are for special criminal cases. The Court of Appeal handles all of the appeals cases that come before them against a judgment that has already been made in the Civil and Criminal Courts. The Supreme Court is the last court of appeal for all of the law cases in the entire Kingdom (The Judiciary of Thailand, 2011). Finally, Thailand’s Executive power works through the Cabinet, which the Prime Minister controls. The Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers, which control 15 different ministries. Those ministries are: Office of the Prime Minister Ministry of Finance Ministry of Forei gn Affairs Ministry of Defense Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives Ministry of Education Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Public Health Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Ministry of University Affairs Ministry of Justice Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Ministry of Industry Ministry of the Interior This entire system is kept in the middle of Thailand, but it is divided into different regional and provincial governments. Bangkok has its own administrative people and elects its own governor. The other provinces of Thailand have their governors appointed for them (The Judiciary of Thailand, 2011). The United States of America is a democratic type of government, currently headed by President Barack Obama, who has the highest political power of the people of the United States. They have one Constitution, and The President has a second in command to him, which is the Vice President of the United States. There are three branc hes of the U.S. government, which carry out their own functions and have their own powers. The three branches are Legislative, Judicial and Executive. The Legislative branch of the U.S. government is the part of the law that makes up the Senate, the House of Representatives and other people that support the Congress. If the Senate and the Congress want a bill passed, they have to have it signed by the President once they have approved

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mosquito- Shadow Animal Totem Essay Example for Free

Mosquito- Shadow Animal Totem Essay The mosquito is my shadow animal totem because it tests me to overcome small irritations. When a mosquito bites me, I’m usually not too happy about it. Even though it is just a small bump on me, it allows the mosquito to lay its eggs as the small amount of blood they suck is enough to last for a few days. After I have been bitten I need to find the patience to overcome the itchiness. Realistically, a mosquito bite is just a small inconvenience but I am afraid to stop worrying about it and move on to the bigger things that actually need my attention. The mosquito reminds you to listen to the lessons you are experiencing. It allows you recognize the attitudes of others and not only personal attitudes. Also, it makes you think about what that small irritation has done for the food chain or one animal in particular. Another thing the mosquito shows us we need to trust our bodies to take care of the bump or it will itch later on if we scratch it. The bump will be taken care of by our body so our job is to focus on the things that matter in life. Mosquitoes give us a chance to test ourselves and revitalize our spirits. I seem to fail this test a lot, which is why the mosquito appeared to me as my shadow animal totem. When I can overcome a bite from a mosquito, I will have learned to be more patient and trust my body to do its job. Mosquitoes live on still water until they reach adulthood and then they follow a trail of carbon dioxide which will be its blood source. They can suck blood from a lot of creatures but they choose mainly humans, herbivorous mammals, and birds. Only the female mosquito sucks blood because it needs the protein and iron in our blood to develop its eggs. Both females and males use plant nectar, fruit juices, and liquids that ooze from plants as another food source. A mosquito has a long, slim body with 6 legs, a mouthpiece called a proboscis designed to suck in food, and two antennae. Mosquitoes are nocturnal but they do rest in dense vegetation, caves, tree holes, chicken coops, stables, and basements during daytime. When a male mosquito wants to find a mate it will listen to the sound of the female’s wings as they reach a higher frequency than the male can get to. Even as they are mating, they will change the beat of the wings to different frequencies and create a â€Å"duetâ⠂¬ .

Monday, October 14, 2019

Plagiarism Assessment Types of Plagiarism

Plagiarism Assessment Types of Plagiarism This essay is going to consider the issues around and avoidance of plagiarism. Its going to look at definitions and the different forms of plagiarism as well as the impact and consequences of plagiarism. Its going to explore the use of correct referencing format for a variety of research sources. Plagiarism is the act of using someone elses words and/or concepts, applying them and not giving recognition to the person who thought of them and then passing those words/concepts as their own. (Reserved, 2017) There are various forms of plagiarism and all are severe infringements of scholarly morality. ( N.p., 2017) The most common types of plagiarism are direct, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. ( N.p., 2017) Direct plagiarism is the literal replica of a piece of a different persons work that doesnt contain acknowledgment, or quotation marks. The purposive plagiarism of a different persons work is improper, scholarly fraudulent and requires punitive measures, including expulsion. ( N.p., 2017) Self-plagiarism takes place when a pupil hands in their own preceding work, or incorporates sections of preceding works without acceptance from all lecturers involved. For example, it would be inadmissible to mix a section of an assignment a person wrote in their first year into an assignment they are writing in their second year. Self-plagiarism is also implemented when handing in the same assignment in different classes without acceptance from both lecturers. ( N.p., 2017) Mosaic plagiarism takes place when a pupil obtains phrases from an authorship without citing, or when numerous words are replaced with synonyms but keeps to the original layout of the source. This is known as patch-phrasing. Whether its deliberate or not, it is scholarly fraudulent and requires punitive measures. (, 2017) An example of mosaic plagiarism goes as followsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Here is a sample piece of text, Directions: After waxing has been completed, apply the lotion generously, gently massaging into the treated area for a soothing and relaxing effect. A plagiarized version of this would be, Method: After waxing has been completed, spread the lotion generously, softly massaging into the treated area for a soothing and calming effect. The underlined text in this example is what has been plagiarized. Accidental plagiarism is when someone doesnt cite their findings, or misrepresents their findings, or accidentally rephrased a finding by using like for like terminology, sentences and/or layout without giving credit. ( N.p., 2017) Plagiarism accusations can account for a pupil being dismissed or deferred. Their scholarly report can reveal the practice has been breached, likely provoking the pupil to be eliminated from university or joining another university. Universities take plagiarism as a severe matter. Universities often withhold pupils for their first infringement. Pupils are normally eliminated if more breaches are made. (, 2017) When someone has been marked with plagiarism accusations, a pupils career can be desolated. Publishing is an essential part of an illustrious, intellectual career. To relinquish the capability to publish possibly means the end of a pedantic role and the loss of respectability. (, 2017) The juridical follow up of plagiarism is considerably significant. Copyright measures are infallible. An individual simply cannot utilize someone elses work without citing and referencing. The original composer of the work has the right to sue the plagiarist. A few forms of plagiarism can also be suspected as a felony, and can lead to confinement. However, these punitive measures are often applied to people who have a career in writing, for example authors and journalists. In some cases, pupils and others can have monetary penalties if found plagiarizing. (, 2017) The result of plagiarizing is extensive and applies to everyone. Obliviousness or a persons capacity does not justify someone from the principled or juridical developments of plagiarizing. Prior to starting a project, it is advised to have knowledge on plagiarism. Identify what legislates plagiarism and how to abstain from plagiarizing. Indolence or infidelity can affect a persons reputation and career. (, 2017) References (2017). The Common Types of Plagiarism. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2017]. (2017). 6 Consequences of Plagiarism. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Plagiarism 9. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2017]. Reserved, A. (2017). What is plagiarism? Definition and guidance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2017].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Revolutionary QM212 :: science

Revolutionary QM212 Abstract: A new process in bio-chemistry involves the manipulation of molecules to defeat diseases, viruses, chemical warfare, and to reduce the cost of bio-chemical engineering. This new process is refined in that the researcher utilizes new computer technology to model the behavior of certain molecules to insert a "slot" for discarding unwanted foreign objects. These unwanted foreign objects are discarded by fixing the slot to fit the objects. This slot can be customized, through manipulation and modelling, to fit many different objects. Therefore, objects such as viruses, poisonings, or bacteria, could be jetted out of ones body. This aspect could one day benefit millions of people around the world. Chemical Process: Teams from universities successfully inserted instructions for building an anti-fluorescein antibody in the DNA of bacteria. This antibody binds with fluorescein molecules. Into this chunk of material, they inserted instructions for buildin g a metal-ion binding sight. They discovered where to put this slot by simulating the antibody on a large computer. The resulting product revealed an anti-fluorescein antibody which binds to metal ions. After physically inserting the genetic code in to E. coli. bacteria, the researchers had a large batch of a new compound which they named QM212. When copper was added to this new batch, it binded with the metal-ion binding sight, decreasing the fluorescent emissions. Applications: The human immune system already uses similar antibodies for similar tasks. Natural antibodies conform to the shape of foreign bodies and bind to the outer surface. They then release enzymes to break down the substance. In the experiment, c opper acted as the foreign body while QM212 was the antibody. One application of this process could be used by the military. The military, utilizing bio-chemical tools, could engineer an antibody which binds with nerve gas and splits each molecule. This could be accomplished by first of all searching t he Brookhaven database for a proper antibody. Then, using large mainframe computers, one can manipulate models of the antibody and create a binding sight for the nerve gas molecules. Then, the soldier would inject himself with the antibodies when h e is nerve gased. Another application of this process could be used by bioÄ chemists in fighting the AIDS epidemic. If an antibody was engineered to conform to the AIDS virus, it could break it in half and dispose of it. Finally, using E. coli., synthetic antibodies replacing current vaccines could be mass produced.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Attitude in All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers

All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front shows the change in attitudes of the men before and during the war. This novel is able to portray the overwhelming effects and power war has to deteriorate the human spirit. Starting out leaving you're home and family and ready to fight for you country, to ending up tired and scarred both physically and mentally beyond description. At the beginning of the novel nationalist feelings are present through pride of Paul and the rest of the boys. However at the end of the war it is apparent how pointless war really is. All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel that greatly helps in the understanding the effects war. The novel best shows the attitudes of the soldiers before the war and during the war. Before the war there are high morals and growing nationalist feelings. During the war however, the soldiers discover the trauma of war. They discover that it is a waste of time and their hopes and dreams of their life fly further and further away. The remains of Paul Baumer's company had moved behind the German front les for a short rest at the beginning of the novel. After Baumer became Paul's first dead schoolmate, Paul viewed the older generation bitterly, particularly Kantorek, the teacher who convinced Paul and his classmates to join the military. " While they taut that duty to one's country is the greatest thing, we already that death-throes are stronger.... And we saw that there was nothing of their world left. We were all at once terribly alone, and alone we must see it through."(P. 13) Paul fe lt completely betrayed. " We will make ourselves comfortable and sleep, and eat as much as we can stuff into our bellies, and drink and smoke so that hours are not wasted. Life is short." (P 139) Views of death and becoming more comfortable with their destiny in the r became more apparent throughout the novel. Paul loses faith in the war in each passing day. * Through out the novel it was evident that the war scarred the soldiers permanently mentally. Everyone was scared to go to war when it started. Young recruits were first sent because the veterans knew they were going to come back dead. "When we runt again, although I am very excited, I suddenly think: "where's Himmelstoss?" Quickly I jump back into the dug-out and find him with a small scratch lying in a corner pretending to be wounded.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Environmental issues in Asia

Developing countries face severe environmental issues as the rapid economic and population growth had created serious social and environmental problems which if left unattended can bring about very serious consequences. Some of these burning environmental issues faced by these Asian regions are the deforestation, global warming, air and water pollution, limited safe drinking water etc. apart from this manipulation of the natural resources and using unhealthy ways and means for developmental purposes is slowly destroying the resources of these nations which are of serious concern and needs immediate steps by the government and non governmental organizations to protect and rescue them from extinction. Two main problems that I wish to discuss in this research paper is air pollution and the increasing deficit in drinking water supply which is a great threat to the nations overall economic development. India is a fast developing country and its growth in the IT and industrial sector over the years is abundant. With the per capita income increasing with the sudden boom in industrial and technological sectors purchasing power has increased. Easy EMI and retail option enable almost anyone to get a vehicle and as the result traffic congestion, air pollution and noise pollution etc have increased thereby endangering the whole atmosphere and paving way to global warming. Water is the elixir of life we all know but although the world is third filled with water drinking water is available in limited quantity. India largely depends on monsoon rains for it agriculture and underground drinking water resources. Due to environmental issues like global warming, air pollution, industrial wastes, use of fertilizers etc result in less rainfall. Moreover the little rainfall received is wasted as it reaches the ocean without any proper preservation methods. The existing dams and water reservoirs are maintained poorly and hence little water collected due to seasonal rains are wasted. Hence an emergency plan to preserve this resource is necessary and steps to minimize air pollution should also be undertaken. Land usage in India: Area of the country: 3287260sq.kms Cultivable area: 1839560sq.kms Cultivated land area: 1697000sq.kms Population: Total population 1038056000 Rural: 71%  Ã‚  Ã‚   urban – 29% ( Water resources: Internal renewable water: 1260540 million cubic meters Total renewable water 1907760 million cubic meters Water use: Total withdrawal: 500000 million cubic meters Agriculture: 92% Domestic: 5% Industrial: 3% Irrigation: Irrigation potential: 1135120 sq. kms Land under irrigation: 501010 sq. kms Surface irrigation: 493300 sq. kms Area irrigated with surface water 40.5% Area irrigated with ground water 53% ( research paper on survey of Indian resources – 2005) The above facts clearly state the environmental condition of this great nation. The need for ground water for irrigation alone is almost 53% and this ground water level is diminishing today due to lack of rains and improper irrigation methods. The surface water again is becoming polluted because of unhygienic and improper maintenance and preservation methods. Further use of chemicals and pesticides for industry and agriculture has highly polluted both surface and ground water. When agriculture uses highly toxic pesticides it destroys not only the soil but also the water underneath. Some of the reasons for water scarcity in India are rising demand for water as population increases over extraction of surface and ground level water delay in completion of developmental projects due to lack of funds and political pressure or instable governments contamination of water resources due to the increased human impact globalization and industrial development polluting air ad water thereby altering urban climate Etc. There is a huge demand for water in the years to come especially keeping in mind the population the demand seems to be a nightmare. In almost all parts of India water deficiencies show an increasing trend and the surplus show a decreasing trend Four states and one union territory   have no surplus water The availability of water will reduce one fifth in three decades Government role to curb further water shortage: From time to time government plays a major part in implementing measures to check this water scarcity. Development projects like building dams, reservoirs, cleaning tanks and increasing awareness to store and use drinking water sensibly is being undertaken. State and central governments join together and use the allotted funds to implement such projects. But political pressure, unstable government and lack of funds create a void in these projects which is either dropped or not put into practice wholly. Moreover bribery in all fields curbs the growth and development of these projects. Although many NGO’S and non governmental organizations and business establishments try to fund these projects the funds are highly misused or mishandled by faulty politicians. Balanced growth in both agriculture and industry is needed for a countries overall performance and development. But industry is developing in India in a faster pace and it looks like agriculture is neglected. Plans to curb air pollution are needed desperately as it affects the rain and overall climatic condition of the nation. More plants should be planted and forests should be conserved and all measures to save rain water undertaken. Rain water harvesting was seriously implemented in some states and the result is yet to be seen. The roads and the infrastructure is very poor and even the slightest rain causes flash floods. Proper drainage and town planning is missing in cities like Mumbai and Chennai. Great awareness of the results of such negligence should be spread around and people should be educated as to the affects of global warming and air pollution. Individuals should take this mission in their hands to ensure safety for future generation. Every successful business concern should adopt one area or town to implement development projects like planting trees, cleaning drinking water reservoirs and dam’s etc. individuals for their part should maintain hygiene and prevent wastage of water. Governments should curb the vehicles promotion by making strict laws against easy availability of driving license and fine or punishment if driving unchecked vehicles against air and noise pollution. Industries should be made to dispose their chemicals and smoke safely so as not to pollute the air and water. Strict laws and cancellation of their industrial license should be enacted. If everyone could use water sensibly and avoid polluting substances India would become a super power rich in natural resources and hygiene. Short term practical solutions: Keeping the surroundings clean and maintaining a social responsibility to preserve and conserve our natural resources is every individual’s imminent responsibility Creating social awareness of this burning issue among the general public by conducting seminars, student programs and through entertainment to educate even the uneducated and down trodden To keep water bodies clean and check for pollution from nearby factories and industries Proper recycle of industrial wastes Undeterred implementation of government development schemes Strict implementation of anti pollution laws Increasing facilities in public transport and curtailing the use of private transport facilities Planting more trees Long term practical solutions: general infrastructure of the cities and towns should be properly planned and implemented keeping the long term benefit in mind strict adherence to herbal petrol and enabling gas or pollution free fuel regular pollution control checks in vehicles and factories strict laws against faulty companies which release industrial waste into water bodies building tanks, dams and reservoirs to save the excess rain water from reaching the sea soil promotion and banning chemical pesticides in agriculture organic farming should be encouraged and promoted funds must be set aside for developmental projects awareness for the need for funds should be created among NRI and all steps to utilize these funds properly should be undertaken social organizations, business establishments and individuals should be encouraged to undertake or adopt certain social duties to minimize government pressure Singapore is the world’s second free economy and second most competitive Asian economy. It is the best con nected countries with a robust infrastructure to suit another century or so. Globally connected, top ranking business environment, with stable infrastructure and diverse world class business solutions has made Singapore the top ranked and most preferred business ground. Free trade will definitely enable people from all over the world to throng Singapore but how does it maintain its resources against the growing demand, how is it possible for this small nation to keep its streets and water bodies clean and vehicles free from polluting the atmosphere. With a total land area of only 699.0 sq. km together with the mainland and other small islands surrounding it has a annual rainfall of about 2,136 mm. the resident population is 4,483,900 and mainly consist of immigrants from neighboring Asian countries like china and India. The literacy rate above 15 years is 95% and the per capita GDP is S$ 44,666. Labor force in this country is 2,367,300 and the unemployment rate is just 3.4%. ( ) The country synthesis report on urban air quality management conducted in 2006 clearly states the measures taken by Singapore to prevent or restrict air pollution. The ambient AQ is regularly monitored with the help of 14 air monitoring machines placed across the island of Singapore. This monitoring has aided in the review of pollution control measures and this has given a positive result in controlling air pollution in the country. AQ monitoring methods used are based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The offenders were prosecuted and were required to take remedial action. Since 1971 many laws are set up to maintain clean air focusing much on vehicular pollution and industrialization. The EPCA combines laws for air, water and noise pollution and gives a legislative framework to control pollution of the environment. Lead petrol was stopped and slowly the level of sulfur from diesel was also reduced considerably to control and reduce emission from vehicles. Ultra low sulfur diesel was introduced to implement euro 4 emission standard and it took effect from October 2006. Air quality in Singapore is the best in the world and it was possible only through strict measures taken by the government to control emission and resolve different forms of pollution. Green plan 2012 is another great step undertaken to further improve the quality of the environment for the years to come. ( ) Highly compatible and well maintained reservoirs catch every drop of rain water and this is utilized by almost half of Singapore uses this water. New projects to build new dams and reservoirs desalination plants, etc are also are being developed. To aid in this mission MEWater is set up which is high quality water received from water reclamation from 2003. Sustainability and cleanliness of water supply and environment is maintained well as Singapore stands tall as a very good example of how we should conserve and preserve our natural resources for a better tomorrow. It is clearly evident that Singapore has successfully implemented anti pollutant measures and even though its economy is growing fast the infrastructure and the low pollution levels are unchanged. There is enough water to meet all the growing needs and the greenery and the cleanliness stands proof of the people commitment to make their country a higher power standing out and setting an example to all other nations. Asian countries like India and china can take this as an example and with proper coordination with this country try to implement such strict rules in their country too. Finally it is a joint responsibility of both the government and the individuals and they should both commit themselves to make a better, cleaner and pollution free nation not only for us but also to our future generations. Reference: Survey of Indian resources – research paper submitted to the Annamalai Open University. India            

Thursday, October 10, 2019

GE’s Two Decade Transformation Jack Welch’s Leadership Change Management

Answer 1In April 1981, when Jack Welch became the CEO of GE, US was in recession. There were high interest rates. Strong dollar resulted in country’s highest unemployment rates. In this rapid changing and uncertain environment it was extremely difficult task for him to handle a conglomerate as big as GE and ensure that general confidence among the investors is not lost. His predecessor, Reg Jones, had set the bar extremely high at the company leaving a legacy for Welch to compete with as the new CEO.Also, acquiring new businesses and ensuring that each business unit under the GE umbrella was one of the best in its field was another challenge. Welch was extremely effective in taking over the GE reins. He challenged each to be †better than the best† and planned radical changes across the company. Under his guidance, the company expanded dramatically from 1981 to 2001.He instilled in everyone a culture of innovation and learning, and incorporated measures related to n ew product development, technological leadership, and rates of improvement.He set the standard for each of business to become #1 or #2 or get out of business.Welch categorized business in 3 circles as core, high technology and services and sold off 200 businesses which all together contributed for 25% of sales.Even budgeting process got radically changed and evaluation started against external competition rather internally.Managers that did not fit into or who failed to embrace his strategy were let go. Anything and anyone that didn’t bring value to GE was eliminated.  The most important change he brought in was by eliminating the sector level and reducing the hierarchical levels from 9 to 4.Through downsizing, de-staffing and delayering, Welch modestly increased revenues from $27. 2bn to $29. 2bn.Welch made a varsity team where he wanted managers who were ready to accept change, have a strong commitment towards values and willing to break with old culture and most of all r eady to take lead and bring changes.Answer 2Welch’s objectives:To modify the culture of the company to match the needs of the changing environment and to make sure that each employee embraces the new culture with ease. He created an environment of openness, speed, simplicity and self-confidence.To get the fundamentals right.To create a culture of a small company a place all felt engaged and everyone had voice. A forum where employees could not only speak their minds about how their business might run more effectively but also get immediate response to their ideas and proposals.To increase productivity beyond imagination. He made six sigma a part of the cultureHe focused on locating and developing leadership at all levels of the company. GE employees were being developed, evaluated and compensated based on a demanding evaluation process called â€Å"Session C†.To incentivize stronger work ethics, GE revamped its compensation package by offering more stock options tied d irectly to individual performance for program initiatives. Welch wanted employees to feel valued for their contributions, and highly-compensated for their efforts. Welch based his proposed and implemented changes on proven tactics used by other successful. For eg. Implementation of Six Sigma first stared by Motorola. He realized it was important to develop leaders and break from the conventional to achieve extremely high standards and be at the top, undefeated. So he revolutionized the way GE worked.Answer 3GE defied critics by implementing not just strategies to combat the challenges faced but by implementing a long term sustainable strategy that will be a masterpiece for years to come. Although GE had gone through a major reorganization that contributed to its successes, the changing business climate when Welch took over as CEO required more to be done. Welch realized that overcoming the magnitude of challenges would require unconventional leadership and bold strategies.In times o f uncertainties and recession, the normal course of action for many businesses is to engage in cost cutting strategies, but he believed investments in the right places during hard economic times enables a company to perform better during and after a recession.Right investments at right time: He offloaded all the unprofitable or not so profitable businesses and acquired companies during the slowdown. This was a clever decision since companies can be bought really cheap during recession.GE had acquired firms that enabled it to expand globally and developed global operations that resulted in the company almost doubling its international revenue to $42. 8billionAdapting various strategies which included â€Å"Fix, Sell or Close†. This strategy is an indication that Welch did not adapt cost cutting strategies like many of the companies during that time. Welch ’s goal of making GE lean and agile resulted in de-staffing and reduction of bureaucracy, eliminating layers of hier archical that were bottlenecks to growth.Critics saw the company’s strategy of developing leadership and employee capabilities enhancement as being risky especially in times of uncertainties. However, through the determination of Welch and his team, and the desire for change; the risk paid off contributing to the value of the company. Welch understood that strategy is not about doing things better, but it is about doing things differently through effective decision making and knowing where to compete and how to compete regardless of how radical and risky it may seem to critics.Through the stretch target initiatives, all employees were asked to prove how good they can be by setting and reaching higher goals that were once deemed to be impossible to achieve.Another important value added to the company was the service business, which contributed to 2/3rd of the company’s revenues. With Welch’s leadership GE ventured into new sectors, and did away with ineffective o nes, developed a massive global market that out performed its domestic markets, created a service industry and an E-business.Last but not the least, his introduction of the Six Sigma quality initiatives led to 62% in turnaround time, return of $750million over the investment exceeding expectations along with a forecast of additional returns of $1. 5 billion in 1999. Thus created a large complex diversified conglomerate that continues to defy the critics and grow in performance and profitability.Answer 4According to me Welch set the standard really high for the rest of the world. There was so much to learn from Welch’s leadership. He initiated a change in mindset and was successful in doing it, thanks to his commitment and rock solid attitude. Jack Welch’s mission was to restructure the company in order to become the #1or #2 in the industry. He embraced change, expected his team to do the same, and challenged his team be â€Å"better than the best†. Furthermore t eam members had to have the willingness to take charge, to think outside of the box, and most of all to be team players.Welch fostered open communication and created a culture characterized by â€Å"speed, simplicity, and self -confidence. † Welch never rested on his last success; he continued to innovate and to look for ways to grow the business both internally and externally. He understood that GE’s assets were in fact their people and in turn had to be managed as a company resource. Welch’s unwavering involvement in every facet of the business was essential to all of these directives. Everything Welch did reflected his belief in his people and as he once stated.â€Å"I own the people, you just rent them. † Without a doubt, Jack Welch’s leadership has left a lasting impact on GE and the business world. Welch’s has left a legacy for his successor. The successor will need to establish him/herself and make a name for themselves. This person w ill need to clearly communicate their vision and how they will go about accomplishing those goals. He/she will need to continue to foster open communication in an effort to continue to encourage teamwork. Innovation will be crucial if the company is to thrive under the new leadership.